Really fun with Artful Dodge.
Posted By:
(8/14/2012 11:10:06 AM)
Oh, look, a card that hates Cloudshift and Reanimate.
Posted By:
(9/9/2012 8:18:21 PM)
This card may hate reanimation... but it has a love affair with Dimir Doppelganger.
Posted By:
(9/15/2012 11:08:37 PM)
Finally the perfect answer to Liliana Vess. Discard a card? Ok. (discard Phage) Oh, you want to bring all the creatures from the graveyard? Ok. Btw, I win. Opponent looks at the table then flips it. And yet you're still smiling as you're picking your cards off the floor.
Posted By:
(12/12/2012 5:02:19 PM)
I've noticed that players never die in this game. They lose, but they never die.
Posted By:
(2/1/2013 12:13:09 PM)
If liliana forces you to discard phage, and then resurrects it, the player who controls it will lose the game. if she uses something that makes all players resurrect their own creatures under their own control, phage's owner will lose the game, not liliana.
Posted By:
(2/6/2013 9:49:42 AM)
Posted By:
(3/19/2013 11:18:44 AM)
I love this card with Vraska the Unseen. Not only do you have to worry about Phage instantly killing you, you also have to contend with the Assassin tokens as well. I hope this gets reprinted in the next core set.
Posted By:
(4/14/2013 3:41:37 PM)
Torpor Orb would indeed counter the ability. Alternatively, Platinum Angel at the same CMC would work, and can be cheated out. Stifle is another option, but takes an extra blue mana on top of the cost for Phage herself.
You could always get lucky with 4 Dark Rituals on turn 1, if you know it's safe from removal.
Posted By:
(6/6/2013 1:54:30 PM)
Throwing an unblockable effect on top of Phage just isn't satisfying enough to me. First Strike is where it's at. There's more sport to be had! I mean, you're mostly going to use her in casual anyway so you might as well have fun with her and watch your opponent squirm as they throw creature after creature to their death in an effort to stop her!
Posted By:
(6/18/2013 10:21:55 AM)