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Instill Energy gets rid of most of the problem for a measly one mana. Sure, you'll easily get two-for-oned, but if you're playing a game with this card in your deck you're probably not taking things too seriously. Instill Energy doesn't remove the penalty for attacking though.

Since my current leviathan deck already runs Instill Energies, I might throw this dude in for shats and gaggles. Actually, no I won't. This guy sucks. My current lineup of Inkwell Leviathan, Stormtide Leviathan and Simic Sky Swallower would take it as a sign of disrespect if I brought the Old Blue Turd in.

Posted By: Laguz (1/5/2011 8:08:41 AM)


This isn't wotc being unfair, its them being totally fair. "Blue, you got every single colored power nine card. Enjoy your leviathan."
Posted By: TheSwarm (8/3/2011 7:18:52 PM)


For me, sacrificing that many lands is just too much of a drawback. As you say he may end the game in one swing, but if he doesn't (which he often doesn't), you're in trouble and if he doesn't end it in two, you're basically dead.
Posted By: stygimoloch (12/2/2008 6:36:17 AM)


Not that useful, but I like how the art screams OM NOM NOM.
Posted By: TheSuperbloop (3/11/2010 2:20:43 PM)


How to use a Leviathan (My Theory of the Absurd)

First build a Red- Green deck that also includes:
Worldly Tutor
Call of the Wild
Tinder Wall
Birds of Paradise
Orcish Lumberjack

Turn 1 Play Forest, Play Birds of Paradise
Turn 2 Play Forest, Play Tinder Wall, Use Birds of Paradise to Play Orcish Lumberjack
Turn 3 Play Forest, Use 2 Forests plus Tinderwall to Play Call of the wild.
Turn 4 During your Upkeep play Worldly Tutor to put Leviathan on top of your Library, use the Orcish Lumberjack to sacrifice the tapped forest for 3 Green and tap one more forest to activate Call of the wild and put the Leviathan in to play
Draw, Play Forest, cast Berserk then use the Birds plus the last forest to play fling.

RealTurn One Stop daydreaming about a fantastic 8 Card four turn combo, draw your card and play alrea... (see all)
Posted By: stevebugge (3/27/2010 6:36:25 PM)


It costs NINE. It's a 10/10 with trample that costs six lands.

But it is a leviathan- the ultimate Timmy card. I remember seeing this in my Beatdown box set, and thinking how amazingly cool it was. I've learned since then, but the sheer hilarity and hugeness has never left me.

Besides - the art looks cool.
Posted By: PhantomdotEXE (4/9/2009 3:12:49 PM)


Just wait 'till I get my leviathan...
Posted By: Tommy9898 (2/23/2010 10:30:10 PM)


Wow, what a giant monster, and the coolest time shifted card in TS (Hi I'm a Timmy for this post). I mean, just look at him. He's HUGE, and that is almost enough to make me forget about his terrible, terrible draw-backs. But really, just destroy four of my own islands to attack? I've got nine of them out, and one swing should do really do it. One day, one day I'll get to hard-cast and untap a Leviathan to win a game...
Posted By: TeamJD (11/13/2008 1:55:48 PM)


Its to bad its not a little cheaper to play or use..
Posted By: Silverware (8/27/2009 1:09:06 AM)


It's firin' its lazar! BLAAAAAAGH!!!!
Posted By: Saxophonist (6/2/2010 6:12:14 PM)


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