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Interesting side note, that is actually a self portrait of Mark Poole on the Timespiral art.
Posted By: Alienlover859 (6/6/2011 10:43:18 AM)


I still believe that Shock was right, Cancel was wrong, and reprinting Lightning Bolt while continuing to not print Counterspell is double-super-deluxe wrong. Proactive spells should be weaker than reactive ones, because reactive ones don't inherently do anything. If you have a super-strong counterspell, but your opponent never actually casts a spell, you're just sitting there accomplishing nothing, which means all your opponent has to do is wait until your patience gives out and you squander your resources and give him an opening. Strong counterspells create an interesting tension in gameplay as you need to balance counteroffense with the need to actually accomplish anything. Strong burn, by converse, just lets you randomly win games in a lame way by bolting the opponent for 3 right when he stabilizes, making him feel like he wasted his effort shuffling. Sure, my philosophy can lead to games taking forever, but I think that's preferable to ten-minute blowouts which are crushing f... (see all)
Posted By: willpell (6/5/2011 2:19:21 AM)


I just want you to know, metalevolence, that I rated your post a five; It made me laugh.
Posted By: scumbling1 (3/4/2011 7:40:19 PM)


ah shaddup blue players; you already got Mana Leak back!
Posted By: luca_barelli (10/24/2011 3:53:12 PM)


This is the correct cost for a catch all counterspell. I'm glad Time Spiral existed, so many basic niches were filled with the correct cost.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (9/3/2012 11:35:59 AM)


> We can’t be held prisoner by earlier mistakes.

*cough* Reserved List *cough*
Posted By: Aquillion (6/16/2013 11:01:26 AM)


the look on that guy's face is the same look every control player had when wizard's printed this instead of counterspell
Posted By: moonmist103 (9/29/2013 2:32:30 PM)


The look on the guys face is amazing

2.5 Stars
Posted By: Hunter06 (12/20/2013 7:32:03 AM)


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