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Community Rating: 3.873 / 5  (55 votes)
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If you think Cheza is bad, wait till WrathofShane gets here...
Posted By: MICKEY.KNOX (6/5/2013 8:31:21 AM)


A guy at my school was made to quit magic because of this card. (Unholy strength might have played a role as well.) Apparently his mom didn't think that summoning demons was a wholesome activity for an impressionable, young mind. Shows what she knew...harlot. We all turned out to be well-adjusted, productive members of society, didn't we? Barely any satanists in the bunch, and only a few weirdos who pretend to think they're vampires in order to pick up desperate fat chicks. Thank you LOTP. You have given us so much. Good balance. Neat card. 4. 5/5
Posted By: Pongdok (6/13/2013 6:37:26 PM)


back when Dual lands weren't considered useful. My brother swapped a Volcanic Island and Badlands for one of these.
Posted By: adolphus (11/18/2013 6:14:44 AM)


Lord of the Pit
Posted By: R1p_v4n_54u3r (5/27/2014 10:04:21 PM)


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