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What with the 2010 ruling update, this card has become ultra-breakable. Anything that automatically returns a permanent or enchantment to your hand at the beginning of your upkeep gets you infinite turns if you're under 5 life, say, by casting Plunge into Darkness or Lim-Dûl's Vault. Blood Clock/Umbilicus and Vedalken Mastermind are good repeatable bouncers, but there are plenty of other options.

It seems really easy to get that up and running, considering you could play the bouncer, then Plunge or Vault your way to Second Chance. Use something like Phyrexian Unlife and your opponent is probably screwed, unless he or she can reduce you from 6+ to 0 and then hit you for another 10 separately (but still on the same turn). Burn spells, followed by an attack for the game is pretty much their only shot, unless they've got an army of double stri... (see all)
Posted By: Ragamander (12/26/2011 4:13:33 AM)


Was this card the inspiration for the new Fateful Hour mechanic in Dark Ascension?
Posted By: SirZapdos (1/23/2012 11:44:13 AM)


Sun Titan + Form of the Dragon.

@ Zubzub:

Priority can't be gained during the resolution of a spell. So there's a bit of falsehood to your "as it resolves" plan. However, the stack is fun to abuse, and this card's ability is not something that happens immediately. You do get priority before it resolves to cast a spell or activate an ability, and then your opponents gain priority in turn order. You could target this with a regress or a boomerang, which would resolve before the triggered ability. When the ability resolves, you can't sacrifice Second Chance, but the ability's wording is such that it doesn't matter. You still get to take the extra turn, and that's where you're right.
Posted By: DacenOctavio (1/22/2011 10:15:58 PM)


10/4/2004 On resolution of the trigger you have to sacrifice this card if you have 5 life or less. If you can't (because it is not on the battlefield, for example), then nothing happens.

6/15/2010 On resolution of the trigger you have to sacrifice this card if you have 5 life or less. If you can't (because it is not on the battlefield, for example), then you still take an extra turn after this one.

They are SOOOOOOOOOO smart.
They left both rulings.
So does this use layering or is it the one that came first is right?
Posted By: SIlverSkyz (10/25/2010 2:05:00 PM)


except that you sacrifice this so you use it only once
Posted By: mtgraptor (6/1/2010 5:43:27 PM)


@mtgraptor : you could bounce the card as its ability resolves with anything like Boomerang or Temporal Adept
Posted By: ZubZub (8/11/2010 11:37:13 PM)


Run with necropotence.
Posted By: metalevolence (9/8/2011 10:05:11 AM)


This could be pretty strong with final hour.
Posted By: Stinga (1/31/2012 11:32:36 AM)


Combo with Angel's Grace? (Followed, of course, by the Sun Titan someone mentioned up there)
Posted By: LordRandomness (7/27/2012 4:48:21 AM)


Much better back in the days of mana burn.
Posted By: pyrotempestwing (1/28/2013 4:11:25 PM)


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