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Community Rating: 4.589 / 5  (96 votes)
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If this was printed today, only two decks will survive against it: RDW style deck with super fast creatures and heavy burn, and control decks with almost no creatures. All midrange decks will simply die. The metagame would have been seriously warped.
Posted By: sweetgab (10/12/2013 4:36:06 PM)


Does this imply that I've been merciful to creatures beforehand?

"Okay, I'll let you go this time, Emrakul!
Posted By: Kashi70 (1/23/2014 9:22:46 PM)


Cheap casting cost considering what it does. Great defensive permanent but it’s a also a bit of a ‘jerk’ card. It’s the enchantment version of another great card Dread. In my vintage assassin deck I use it along with other great cards like Shriekmaw, Phyrexian Obliterator, Royal Assassin, and Bloodhusk Ritutalist to the fill the graveyards with ten or more creatures to cast Avatar of Woe Woe Woe Woe for only 2 B mana.
Posted By: Doufeelthewindcoming (5/17/2014 12:06:56 PM)


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