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Good card, but easy to get rid off. Considering the color-weight, he could be 2/4.
Posted By: skew (3/9/2010 5:50:04 AM)


this guy is crazy, the card advantage is absolutely insane. The thing I can compare him to the most is primordial sage/glimpse of nature

It's like "whenever you put a card into play draw a card (this includes lands.)

If you have the mana and ways to play multiple lands a turn you could burn through you'r deck very very quickly.

it's also very strong against discard because you'r deck becomes your hand and you'r hand is normally filled with lands that you've brainstormed out of the way with a couple multiples in your hand you're holding onto because they would be redundant in play.

the only problems I've found with him is he you commit a lot to the board and mass removal hurts a lot.
also, it's very easy to go so low in you'r library that you can mill yourself before the end is in sight. (i've gotten myself down to 10 cards by turn 9 with green execration)
Posted By: Gezus82 (7/2/2010 9:59:49 PM)


Worse than future sight though.
Posted By: majinara (11/30/2009 6:03:08 AM)


Whats more enjoyable than seeing into the future?
Posted By: SavageBrain89 (6/28/2009 5:19:00 PM)


Amazing Art Cool Ability Fun To Play
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (6/23/2009 10:16:06 PM)


I think this could have been an opportunity for Wizards to mess around with our heads even more, and have it be a 'call back from Future Past' to a card they hadn't yet made. Deliberately getting people to ask 'why isn't the same as the Future card you made before?'

Answer: because *Edit: No. You're brain will hurt to much if we tell you the truth on this one.*, see?

Old Comment Irrelevant, but I'm keeping it because I still think it's a cool idea. :p

New Comment!

See Garruk's Packleader. This card is pseudo-obsolete because creatures are what Garruk's deck want to cast, so the 'limitation' is a feature more than a bug; a feature that pays for a 7/7 Trampling Monster.

I think this could cost 1 less, get a 'Blue-flavored' restriction to Instants and Sorceries, and be a 3/3, and that would be a cool card. :)

Any card that gives blanket-access to all card types, like auto... (see all)
Posted By: DarthParallax (6/16/2013 3:33:07 PM)


so basically this lets you get one turn ahead? couldn't you just accomplish the same thing by drawing a couple cards?

try a mulldrifter. my guess is the mullie will work better.
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (10/3/2011 6:10:26 PM)


On first glance, I thought that this said "Magus Of The Failure"
Posted By: twiddleman12 (8/10/2012 9:25:41 AM)


With sensei's divining top this card and future sight are wicked fun.

Your opponent thinks your out of counters? pay 1 to top the counter thats 3 cards down in your library.
Hit a second land that you can't play? or a card you can't cast yet? tap the top to draw it, then play the top for 1, carry on...
Who cares if your opponent can see what your drawing when you can basically pay 1 to draw a card during your main.
Posted By: roguepariah (6/9/2010 9:54:40 AM)


Here's a fun idea:
Information dealer to stack your deck and play the top card with this Magus. Merrow reejery + Artificial Evolution naming wizards so you can untap your islands to play more wizards. Stonybrook Banneret helps too. Patron Wizard lockdown, Supreme Inquisitor for the win
Posted By: zk3 (12/17/2010 10:37:34 PM)


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