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Community Rating: 4.050 / 5  (100 votes)
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I fucking LOVED this card. Anything with Blue or Green had a player set of these it in. One of the reasons I love Green or Blue to this day. Now that I think of it, its probably the reason I'm so attached to Canopy Cover.

For some reason, the new elf (M12, so I can't autocard it) isn't as appealing to me. It's the same stats, only Green, keyworded, and an elf... ah never mind. I just hate elves.

Yeah, I agree. I really hope they don't reprint him, just so the don't put the new keyword on him. 'Hexproof' sounds so... I don't know, Harry Potter. It really sucked the mystique out of the ability. Hell, I'd have been happy with 'Troll Shroud'. At least it sounds better.

Posted By: OmegaSerris (7/6/2011 4:47:21 PM)


Type your comment here.
Posted By: SIlverSkyz (10/17/2010 8:03:25 AM)


A troll shrouded 1/1 for 1? Sure, why not?
Posted By: Gilder_Bairn (4/30/2010 9:29:59 AM)


when I get 2 armadillo cloaks and an ancestral mask on this baby I'm sure you can picture my opponent's face. They mad
Perfect for any Aura deck.
Posted By: brockdjwest (10/16/2011 11:22:27 AM)


I really love the flavour and art of Slippery Bogle. If they released a poster of the art, I'd get it in a heartbeat.
Posted By: Biggles (11/8/2011 8:44:38 AM)


Posted By: dlgn (5/6/2012 10:01:16 PM)


Its entire face might as well be a middle finger.
Posted By: Villainous1 (1/14/2013 9:49:39 AM)


Magic has lots of silly-sounding/looking creatures throughout its history, but the fact that this one has actually started popping up in serious Modern decklists cracks me up. It's one thing to get beaten down by Tarmogoyf, but I can barely imagine the exquisite agony of humiliation one suffers from losing to a Slippery Bogle. Granted, it usually is suited up with the likes of Rancor and Daybreak Coronet, but getting Boggled just sounds awful. It might even be worse than getting Kuted.
Posted By: The_Trendkill (2/22/2013 6:42:00 AM)


Love this little dude! I've baptized him Slippery Trouble. 4/5
Posted By: BladeManFX (5/29/2013 4:46:19 PM)


I don't mind silly artwork now and then, but this one is a bit overboard. The tongue-sticking out combined with the body proportions. Especially since people actually play this card.
Posted By: EGarrett01 (9/26/2013 5:22:14 AM)


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