x If you're looking for a specific comment, check the other printings as well.
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Bah. I've run this card for years, not once has it won me the game. Even with breeding pit, it seems like I never have the expendables for it. Would have preferred it cost 3BB and only needed two sacrifices.
Posted By: blindthrall (4/7/2010 2:42:46 PM)


I like to trick my friends into thinking that I can play this without any creatures in play, saying that the sacrifices are an additional cost.
Posted By: McThor (8/12/2010 5:55:13 PM)


Actually, with the wording on the card, McThor would be correct. It doesn't include an "or else" on the card, so you have to do what it says if you can, but if you can't, you don't.
Posted By: sonorhC (11/7/2011 5:21:30 PM)


Sengir Autocrat is probably my favorite card with this, as you'll only really lose a single creature to it. You can even have Hecatomb up and running by turn 3 if you use a Dark Ritual to cast the Autocrat on turn 2.
Posted By: GrimjawxRULES (12/12/2011 7:51:45 PM)


This is a mono black EDH card at best I believe. It'd be easier to abuse with the massive card draw (Necro/Arena/Muse) and tutors black has to get the cards needed, but what I'd do is get Vedalken Orrery out once I've got a handful of creatures, not hard to do, then when an opponent goes to Wrath the board I'd flash this into play. You now have an empty board and total domination assuming you've kept up with your land drops :)
Posted By: JARYISM (3/1/2012 12:56:58 PM)


having four creatures to sacrifice is such a huge premise,
so i think Wizards could consider printing a hexproof version of this.
Posted By: Mode (5/8/2012 2:32:46 AM)


"I like to trick my friends into thinking that I can play this without any creatures in play, saying that the sacrifices are an additional cost."

"Actually, with the wording on the card, McThor would be correct. It doesn't include an "or else" on the card, so you have to do what it says if you can, but if you can't, you don't."

Clearly neither of you have read the actual Oracle text: "When Hecatomb enters the battlefield, sacrifice Hecatomb unless you sacrifice four creatures.". Variations of this very cut-and-dry wording are also on the other three printings of this card.

Is it so hard to double-check these things so that you can be sure you actually know what you're talking about?
Posted By: nemokara (11/29/2012 7:33:53 AM)


My friend used to play one of these in his mono black deck back in the day. It usually came out late and was a game ender if it stayed in play, but rarely would it bend the game to his advantage. It also is probably the fact that I ran a blue control deck so he didn't have to worry about a lot of my creatures.
Posted By: Complexpants (1/4/2013 1:09:46 PM)


When Hecatomb comes into play, Siege-Gang Commander winces just a little.

This card was sort of like Lord of the Pit. Everyone who played it thought it would win them the game forever and always... and it never really did.

Posted By: Salient (3/31/2013 4:34:13 PM)


Just a point, playing it puts a triggered ability on the stack. At this point, Hecatomb is in play and you can respond to the trigger by tapping your Swamps.
Posted By: LordRandomness (7/25/2013 2:41:55 AM)


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