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"Hecka Tomb"
"Hey! Catacomb!"
I think i finally nailed what this is suppose to mean!
Posted By: Grixish (10/11/2013 12:48:50 PM)


Swamp koth emblem on an enchantment, alright. Just need to get something that makes tokens in mono Black.

Nice with Mindslicer. If he's one of those 4 creatures, good luck to your opponent figuring that one out.

Consider this:
-Put this on the stack
-Sac Mindslicer to Carrion
-Each player discards their hand
-This resolves and eats the creatures you put out

Now you have an opponent in top-deck mode while you have 4-6 swamps eating his creatures and life total (depending on if you accelerated at all.) Any kind of recursion will put a quick end to your opponent, and your deck doesn't need this combo to work; its just one possible way to go.

Good with Korlash or green land-fetchers. Veteran Explorer, Viridian Emissary and Yavimaya Elder will get you all the swamps you need to easily close out the game, and pull this spell off maybe in the T3 zone.

Love the mindslicer combo, but kind of pointless to sac mind slicer while this spell is on the stack. If they had ... (see all)
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (10/14/2013 4:02:20 AM)


This + R&D's Secret Lair = instant win.

The original printing doesn't specify that the swamp has to be untapped, and you can respond to the sacrifice trigger, so you can just tap the same swamp as many times as you want for infinite damage.
Posted By: MisterAction (11/26/2013 10:16:00 PM)



Color Shifted version I kinda wish existed 'when - citp, Sac 4 creatures or sacrifice this. Tap a plains you control to gain 1 life'
Posted By: Hunter06 (12/20/2013 7:38:17 AM)


Mindslicer is a fine sac target. Sengir Autocrat with this is amazing in flavor *and* ability.
Posted By: blurrymadness (3/4/2014 3:08:44 PM)


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