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Community Rating: 1.477 / 5  (87 votes)
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@lothrazar Any legendary creatures can attack in a band as long as at least one has "bands with other legendary creatures."

In a normal band all but one attacker must have banding. So not strictly worse.
Posted By: Vishlord (1/26/2012 2:06:37 PM)


Top of the power nine for overall usefulness and utility in any situation. When would I not want my green legends to band?
Posted By: tHeMightyyAK123 (4/1/2012 4:53:47 PM)


I actually use one of these (along with a Cathedral of Serra) in a White/Green legendary creature deck. Every creature is a legend, along with 4x Captain Sisay and a couple Reki, the History of Kamigawa for card draw, and Day of Destiny and Sword of the Chosen for creature buffs. It's a super-fun deck, full of flavorful singletons, and these "bands with others" lands are exceptional. Banding, outdated as it may be, remains a fantastic ability.

Yes, I realize it's a pretty bad card overall due to its limited focus, but in the deck I described, it's a 0-costed hard-to-remove permanent that shines every time I play it.
Posted By: ChumleyX (7/19/2012 12:00:03 PM)


You would think that legends wouldn't want their guildhouse to look like a barn.
Posted By: DivineNocturnus (8/15/2012 1:18:50 PM)


Needs to tap for Green, and it would be playable today. That would make a cool deck!

x24 Different green legendary creatures
x16 Green Supporting Spells
x20 Forests
x4 of these bad boys.

Lands that don't produce mana are very hard to play. You end up having to take out deckspace from your nonland cards. Just to use your lands that are not really lands. Thats why this cycle gets a .5/5 from me.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (10/12/2012 11:05:27 AM)


I am absolutely enamored by everything about this card except for the textbox.
Posted By: Raexs (9/21/2013 9:41:05 PM)


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