Raising the bar, one undercosted beatstick at a time. Goblin Bushwhacker is the second best goblin because of his ridiculous utility.
Posted By:
(2/24/2011 7:48:56 PM)
Best red creature ever. If you don't vote him 5 stars, you have not played against him. The introduction of battle cry has made him even better.
Posted By:
(2/28/2011 11:40:20 AM)
Is it REALLY a drawback? How about this in a Blk/Rd force opponent to draw & then lose life deck (sorry, I'm sure there's a technical term for that but idk it yet). Red has some cards that forces opp to draw & then take damage fir it, black has some crazy cards that do the same. I wouldn't have a lot of critters in a deck like that but 4 of this lil dude could actually help when the supposed drawback hits. He seems badass (not $87.52 badass but, $10.00 badass for sure!) lol.
Posted By:
(3/2/2011 5:50:55 AM)
@luckyduck4: Yeah, good luck with that "unstoppable" deck without any lands...
I can't think of any one drop creatures consistently better than Goblin Guide. He's definitely one of the best out there. The "drawback" of his is often to my advantage.
Posted By:
(3/4/2011 7:46:33 AM)
What pre-constructed decks does this come in besides "Into The Breach"? It's a very nice card so I'm wondering....
Posted By:
(4/11/2011 12:35:48 PM)
Yes, sometimes I have that Bolt and I enjoy getting an extra land without taking any damage. Does not mean I don't win many more of my games when I draw this in my opening seven!
Posted By:
(5/22/2011 2:50:50 AM)
I love this card, granted it is probly boroken, it shouldn't have haste then I could see it just being a good card. other than that great for burn decks and great for goblin deck I give it 4.5
Posted By:
(7/2/2011 11:50:03 PM)
I'm gonna miss this after the rotation
Posted By:
(8/30/2011 9:08:24 AM)
T1, 3 Memnite, Goblin Arsonist
T2, Galvanic Blast, Goblin Grenade (10 damage)
T3, Arsonist, Grenade, Blast (10 more)
So yeah, just as fast.
Posted By:
(9/1/2011 1:09:20 AM)
when the reveal effect activates does opponent reveal top card to were controller sees all aspects of the card or just the name?
Posted By:
(9/20/2011 6:26:46 PM)