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I'll bet he's great with Divine Presence.
Posted By: JenBroness (8/15/2010 8:00:40 PM)


*cough* He's not an Icy Manipulator. Not by a long shot. He prevents one thing from untapping. He doesn't tap it, so you'll need something else in play to do that. So to all of you who keep calling him an icy manipulator, recognize. What his first ability does that manipulator doesn't is it prevents things like Master Transmuter's bouncing ability from being able to activate. So unless it's already tapped, or you have something else in play to tap it, the best his ability can do is be a slightly off-color Plumes of Peace. Although I must say, if you're playing him in a red white deck, or a red white blue deck, his ability will have a ton of synergy with most of your other spells, filling out the little piece that's missing, or reinforcing whatever the rest of your spells are already pushing for. And using him as a versatile Plumes of Peace for 4 or 5 turns in order to activate his ultimate ability is still quite goo... (see all)
Posted By: trancebam (5/21/2009 2:48:31 AM)


Everyone, please remember that his +1 ability doesn't actually tap things, it just keeps them from untapping later.

He's a great card, don't get me wrong, but don't overestimate the versatility of that first ability.
Posted By: NoobOfLore (12/5/2010 5:28:24 PM)


I like this art better than the other version. Look at that bod! I'm no furry, but DAMM!
Posted By: NickDay (11/20/2012 6:14:17 PM)


Ajani vengeant is an over all good card and can be used as an effective substitute to lightning helix i advise waiting till you can defend him to play him.
Posted By: BoroslordZero (11/12/2008 10:17:55 PM)


i wish i never traded this for 10 liches mirrors...
Posted By: simicfan (9/28/2010 6:57:13 PM)


It takes a bit to get that -7 ability, but man is it worth it!
Posted By: divine_exodus (11/14/2010 12:12:40 PM)


Having a native R/W in your deck is usually uncommon, but if you can get him out without removal ruining your life, then he is an absolute beast from a tactical standpoint. I managed to launch his final ability in a multiplayer, as one of my opponents didn't really notice how high Ajani was at.
To this day he refers to this card as "That dirty Ajani".
Posted By: Arkh36 (5/5/2011 9:24:45 PM)


Ajani... Ajani... Play it, build it, kill creatures, then kill their lands. If you protect him long enough, there's someone who gets killed. One of my favorites.
Posted By: Dilleux_Lepaire (11/24/2008 7:16:06 PM)


Okay so my initial assessment of Ajani was unfair, he's more than just a weaker Lightning Helix. I still don't think he's some amazing, unstoppable house - rather, that he'll ultimately go down in history as one of those good cards which became great for a brief time by being in the right place at the right time - and I doubt I'd ever want to make room for him in any of my current decks. But the first ability is a hell of a lot more subtle powerful than I'd ever really seen it used for a long time.
Posted By: stygimoloch (5/1/2009 1:18:11 PM)


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