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This card, Ajani, has been the topic of much debate in our circle of friends. I think anyone would be hard pressed to argue that Ajani's new form is easily the Weakest Plainswalker ever. Coming in close second is of course Tezzeret; but Tez is good in an Esper deck (which makes sense...). Ajani is not worth it in a Naya deck. The goal in Naya is to pull out power 5 or greater creatures. Ajani doesn't help that goal whatsoever! If you're going to play some direct damage in a naya deck, and you want some life gain, go with the classic lightning helix. its cheaper, more versitile, and doesn't make you public enemy number one. However, playing any plainswalker will always make you the biggest threat.

What could make Ajani Better? maybe more loyalty counters.... but how about a better set of abilities instead? Ajani Goldmane was one of the best plainswalkers you could get for a white deck. life gain, creature production, it was great! now there is no life gain, and the only p... (see all)
Posted By: BenKHS (4/19/2009 8:45:24 AM)


I just like the thought of heavily crippling a multi colored deck by wiping out all of their lands in play, or anyone else's lands for that matter, it's just too good.

I have used his ultimate once before just recently, and when I did, my opponent conceded.

@ Westin: You must be kinda unlucky to be playing everyone with fast decks, either that or the card just doesn't fit your style of play.
Posted By: The_Somnambulist (6/3/2009 9:59:14 PM)


as a casual person playing Multiplayer almost strictly, I really never saw him as useful. Keeping one thing tapped down never really slowed anyone down, and at best, he's two sorcery-speed lightning helix on a single card, so that's almost card advantage? And his ultimate is just extraneous. He lacks any form of synergy outside of "well, these abilites seem pretty WhiteRed I guess"

When I ran him, I never saw anything worth keeping tapped other than maybe a nonbasic land, his lightning helix never did enough damage/gained enough life at sorcery speed to be of much use, and his ultimate never went off, and even if it did, I play multiplayer, so it's not "win target game", it's "target player has to wait until next game to play again".

I still have mine from the pre-release and have never felt the urge to run it outside of a RWG cat deck, and only because him being a cat sorta seemed to fit, so why not.
Posted By: Dr.Pingas (8/27/2011 11:26:02 AM)


This is me IN A RAGE! (otherwise I'm Ajani Goldmaine)
Posted By: Ajani_is_da_man (11/22/2009 5:27:16 PM)


it`s just not so powerful .ok i know it`s a ... planeswalker but come on 2rw and only 3 counters....chandra costs 3rr and have moreeeee much more plus she is as deadly as... i don`t know ..welll she is much better than him and the ather planeswalkers are also more powerful...so he is the weakest
Posted By: Iiory (8/29/2009 12:02:34 AM)


color wise, the abilities of this version of ajani's abilities are white/black/red, not just red/white

land destruction is red
his -2 ability is black
permission/protection is white
Posted By: darkfury (10/1/2009 3:35:57 PM)


this would totally screw up summoning emakrul with the -7
Posted By: Kamidii (7/4/2010 11:38:21 PM)


This card is awesome. Shame his 3 damage and 3 life abity puts you down two counters. but on it's own that is enought. Play it right, you won't need his -7, but if you do and you do it right, you should win the game.
Posted By: PaladinOfSunhome (9/17/2009 6:56:04 AM)


i use ajani v in a lot of my planeswalker 4 or 5cc decks
Posted By: adamphetamine (10/11/2009 7:00:16 PM)


destroy all lands, speechless. wow talk bout game winner
Posted By: Alex123321 (11/12/2009 2:58:35 PM)


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