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I hate going against this card, but love to use it.
A common that will screw over a platinum angel for less than half the mana, or a Darksteel Colossus is a card worth using in almost any deck.
Out with Pacifism and in with oblivion ring for me please.
Posted By: Spideredd (8/26/2009 11:18:28 PM)


I found that 3 O Rings and a Sigil of the Empty Throne works very Well, First play Sigil, then play your first O-ring, targeting whatever on the field. Next turn, play the second O-ring in the first, removing it from the game, and returning whatever was exiled. Finally play the Third O-ring on the second O-ring which would bring back the first O-ring, which you use to target the second and so one and so forth. Unlimited Angels until you decide to change the target of one of the O-ring to a different permanent.

Posted By: ergonomicQ (5/9/2010 4:08:09 PM)


Use it on a permanent of your choosing, maybe a creature with haste, or creature with come into play ability , drop planar cleansing. And voila! You get the advantage.
Posted By: Martian_Kyo (8/4/2009 10:15:02 AM)


Geez. They should put the first triggered ability as "When Oblivion Ring enters the battlefield, if Oblivion Ring is on the battlefield, exile another target nonland permanent."
That way, smart a$$es can't haxorz it. There are too many cards to h4xor O-ring, there are too many cards like O-ring that can be hax0r3d this way, and h4x0ring it is lame and often requires a dissertation of the rules and raises suspicion amongst players. It was clever with the first nightmare effect, whatever it was (perhaps Icy Prison) but it was a hacks that didn't need to persist. It's twenty times worse than combat damage using the stack. All they needed to do is have that if-clause. They have done it before.
Posted By: Enchantment_Removal (12/27/2010 8:58:57 PM)


this is my favorite kill spell I mean it can take out almost as much as vindicate can and it removes from the game instead of destroying and it cant be redirected wile it can be destroyed be naturalize and stuff like it white deck tend to have a lot of powerful enchantments so having them waste there kill spells on this is not such a terrible fate.
Posted By: dragonking987 (2/4/2011 7:45:42 PM)


tough card to run. sorcery speed removal is generally worse than instant speed. removal which can not only be countered, but removed itself is also a drawback. that being said, not many good decks run any abundance of maindeck enchantment removal. Also, paying 3 for removal of anything but a land is too much, if that is all you get (not to mention the drawbacks). the only redeeming quality is it's ability to target creatures, artifacts, enchantments, or even planeswalkers. In standard right now, looking like 2 or 3 copies of this are going to be seeing some maindeck in mono-white, seeing how versatile it is. Exceptional against red, black, and red/black decks, because they cannot counter, and cannot deal with enchantments in standard post-lorwyn =P
Posted By: Grimn777 (9/3/2009 6:19:39 PM)


Oblivion Ring Is Amazing And In Draft Seeing This Thing Is Just Great Could Almost Always Be A First Pick In Less You Get A Bomb Rare Or Something You Just Enjoy Playing And The Reprint Art Is A Billion Times Better
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (8/3/2009 11:22:07 PM)


This card is great in combination with BroodMate Dragon
Posted By: Pacifishm (8/17/2009 3:23:06 AM)


Oblivion Ring is good, but It's not usually a combo thing. It's more like "looky here, this could be useful" in a very humdrum way. It's relatively cheap, however, so I say, if you're COMPLETELY out of ideas, go for it!
Posted By: kuzimu (4/1/2009 1:03:48 PM)


It is a good combo because, Broodmate Dragon says, "when Broodmate Dragon comes into play put a four four dragon", so, remove it, destroy the enchantment or switch it's aura target and, bingo! Three four four dragons with flying.
Posted By: EnV (10/18/2009 2:55:42 PM)


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