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Community Rating: 4.116 / 5  (242 votes)
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I think Ralph was on acid when he drew this. If you squint, the picture becomes a gorilla with its mouth open, bleeding from its eyes.
Posted By: Nickkom (12/3/2009 12:28:47 PM)


Imprint it on Panoptic Mirror for some good fun. You don't even need the right mana!
Posted By: nammertime (12/3/2009 8:53:52 PM)


It's annoying how much more powerful this card is than the other Ultimatums. Too low of cost with the current mana accel. I'm hatin on this card.
Posted By: coyotemoon722 (1/19/2010 1:06:54 AM)


Bolas rules!
Posted By: Kontrey (2/4/2010 8:28:38 AM)


lol throw this in with a Cloven Casting and that will be the end of your opponent
Posted By: ChampionofSquee (3/4/2010 9:36:33 PM)


Someone posted somewhere a combo using Conflux and Dream Halls to play four of these cards in a single turn, for the win.
Posted By: Belz_ (4/18/2010 11:22:40 AM)


The way I look at it, it's a drain life spell with a huge cantrip, as the other abilities won't really matter by the time it pops. I'm not bagging on it, it's still worth it.
Posted By: blindthrall (4/29/2010 4:57:56 PM)


A great card but you forget, losing five life for a myriad of decks isn't that big a deal, discarding three? nah. Sacrificing a creature, many deck don't care. This doesn't win the game but it leads up to a win.
Posted By: EnV (6/9/2010 7:02:28 AM)


Overall, I think Last Stand is better. Yes, it requires an additional combo piece (Prismatic Omen), and it doesn't provide the immense card advantage. However, it has double the life drain, allows you to choose what creature to destroy, lets you see more cards, and has a greater immediate effect on the board by putting more tokens into play. By the time you get to seven mana, your opponent may not have many cards to discard, and if he has board control and is about to kill you, this may simply not be enough.
Posted By: achilleselbow (6/21/2010 8:31:28 PM)


Awesome card, and I love the flavor text. On a side note, the demon that Bolas is about to own looks just like Rakdos the Defiler Am I mistaken, or did mdawk576 just call Cruel edict a bad card???
Posted By: NeoSin (7/19/2010 12:03:38 AM)


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