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Community Rating: 2.312 / 5  (96 votes)
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Actually, as someone you just came in 4th out of 11 in a Conflux Draft, this card helped my 5-color deck not only with the landcycling, but that 4 life helped me win 2 games that were near unwinnable.
Posted By: HarDHarKoopa (2/22/2009 2:05:16 PM)


This card is almost as useful as Touch Of Death! It even had a better picture than this card!
Posted By: Opant1 (3/28/2009 8:34:10 PM)


hey master... stop being a boob
Posted By: inmypants22 (8/25/2009 6:28:17 PM)


For 7 mana i want something game winning or unstoppable, this... this is not it. Black has always been more about thhrowing your life at the other player than absorbing it, not that black doesn't do the absorbing thing, i just think the "I throw my soul at you" approach to be much funnier and, for black, usually more effective.

As for cost, well... its priced EXACTLY right, so its useless..
Posted By: Atrues (4/27/2009 12:24:52 PM)


The point of this card is clearly the cycling ability, which is instant speed, cheap and black.

For that it gets 3.5
Posted By: Baconradar (8/13/2010 7:52:21 AM)


Absorb vis, or absorb vat? Vhy can I not decide?!
Posted By: Salient (1/27/2012 1:25:52 PM)


Vis is actually the Dutch word for Fish...
Can't stop thinking about that now.
Posted By: Drecon84 (2/26/2013 7:45:33 AM)


@MasterOfEtherium... Stop Capitalizing The First Letter Of Every Word That You Type. Its Annoying And Makes You Sound Unintelligent. If Your Reading This And Also Find It Irritating, Copy And Past This Whenever You See His Comments (Which Are On Almost Every Card I Look Up :/)
Posted By: Ace8792 (6/26/2010 5:35:27 PM)


What A Great Card. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (6/26/2011 6:12:42 PM)


Pure Garbage. Nothing this mediocre should ever cost seven mana. If you really wanted to steal four life and gain four, then Soul Feast from tenth edition would be the better choice at five mana, not seven. As for the landcycling, it fails in comparison to every painland, shadowmore land, and creature mana source out there. Why waste a turn just to get a basic land card that doesn't even automatically come straight into play?
Posted By: SavageBrain89 (6/14/2009 6:24:20 PM)


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