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Posted By: deadguyred (8/11/2009 10:19:22 PM)


absorb this
Posted By: rspitzy (2/11/2012 7:05:46 PM)


This card is bad
Posted By: gideon999 (8/29/2013 4:33:50 PM)


This whole cycle is kind of lame. Basic landcycling is cool but the effects it's paired up with are always so overcosted I feel bad using them. Honestly, even if it's the right call I'd feel a little stupid paying 7 to drain for life. 6, maybe, but as is? No way.
Posted By: TPmanW (8/25/2011 8:13:51 PM)


It would have been neat if it also had "When you cycle Absorb Vis, target player loses 1 life and you gain 1 life.", but it doesn't. I don't see why the landcycling ability brought down it's ability (and/or raised it's converted mana cost). You can only use one or the other, so they really shouldn't have a bearing on the other.
Posted By: CeremonialBathory (8/9/2010 6:11:56 PM)


This card isn't that bad really. Use it's land cycling to find lands when you need it and if you draw it late game and have extra mana you can hardcast it to get an 8 point life swing.
Posted By: Rikiaz (9/19/2010 5:35:46 AM)


Also keep in mind it's a definite limited card, in a set where color fixing was more important than most thanks to plenty of gold cards.

It'd actually be included in many a black deck, not because of the lose 4/gain 4, but the landcycling. A land tutor at instant speed for 2 that fixes color... and isn't even green? Sure, why not. I can think of plenty of worse cards to take. The heralds for example... I mean, you can't expect much more than a 1/1 from a 1 drop, but at uncommon with an ability that would only prove relevant in the rarest of circumstances... Absorb Vis is 100 times better.
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (10/18/2010 2:55:28 PM)


on the other hand, i'd rather pay 7 and exsanguinate to drain 5 from each player.
Posted By: no_body (12/24/2010 8:43:30 PM)


Mono-black landfetch seems pretty good to me for EDH, Colored STar and really, just any deck that wants black to do some mana fixin
Posted By: Shoe2 (11/29/2011 9:08:42 AM)


I absolutely hated these cheap excuses to give each color crappy Giant Growth by disguising it with over-costed effects. I mean, I get the intention, but at this point, why not just make a colorless 2 instant that says "search for a basic land, put it in yo hand", since that's pretty much what they did, but worse. Don't insult the average player's intelligence by slapping on a "DONT BOTHER USING THIS" effect.
Posted By: Dr.Pingas (1/22/2012 7:00:00 PM)


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