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Community Rating: 3.996 / 5  (122 votes)
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this and Flicklering Ward... omg... 4/4 flying for 2 mana
Posted By: danieltb85 (9/24/2009 5:21:18 PM)


This is an awesome card. It has quite limited possibilities but that downside is countered by the fact that it's great. Just have loads of enchantments and the army builds up.
Posted By: IsNotNamed (4/20/2009 6:36:15 PM)


4 of this
4 Luminarch Ascesion
4 Guard Duty
4 Pacifism
4 Oblivion Ring
4 Path to Exile
4 Wall of Omens
4 Lightmine Field
4 Pilgrim's Eye
4 Gleam of Resistance
20 Plains

This is one of the most enjoyable decks I have ever played
Posted By: skylor_san (7/7/2010 4:59:45 PM)


how about some Greater Aura Mastery so that your enchantments are safe from enchant removal
Posted By: Dingo777 (5/8/2009 1:53:57 PM)


@Thallid_King, Nickkom
since you need to "play" an enchantment for its triggered ability it does not combo with the cards mentioned

did someone notice that in the rulings they forget the "i" in "Castng Sigil of the Empty Throne won't trigger its own ability."?
Posted By: Buridan (3/6/2010 12:57:36 PM)


great. a card that incourages a deck with 43 different pacifism effects and can still make the deck win.
this card is highly underrated.
Posted By: ultratog1028 (7/28/2009 11:01:29 AM)


This card rocks. If I didn't have religious obligations outstanding, I might worship it; Doubling Season is my god, and Sigil of the Empty Throne is her prophet! Okay, so yes, it costs five. However, pay five now, and reap a lot! In a deck with Tethered Griffins, this just might be awesome. Well, it's versatile; that's what makes it so good. It can easily go in a green/white deck with auras being used, and it can cover a blue/white deck from attacks as the control stuff is being set up.
Posted By: kuzimu (4/1/2009 12:52:41 PM)


How would this interact with Open The Vaults? Would it trigger when other enchantments enter the battleground, or do you have to "play" them from your hand?
Posted By: Nickkom (11/22/2009 8:51:21 AM)


P1: "4/4 flying"
P2: "say what? o0"
Posted By: ubii (8/12/2010 4:56:14 PM)


Limited? This card with Verduran Enchantress (Not Argothian, it makes you draw a card with no choice, Verduran lets you choose to draw or not) and with a Verduran in play, and this, get Shimmering Wings, and draw cards and put 4/4s into play left and right. It's amazing. And if you have Fastbond, Crucible of Worlds, and Zuran Orb in play, you can generate infinite 4/4s by tapping the land for Mana, saccing it for two life, bringing it back with Crucible, and repeat with Fastbond for infinite life and Mana and 4/4s and card drawing.
Posted By: SlackWareWolf (6/27/2009 4:10:28 AM)


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