My opponent pulled this on me against my grixis deck but still lost. I wish it removed the cards from the game though so progenitus couldnt jump back out of your opponents deck.
Posted By:
(4/17/2009 5:59:24 PM)
I love this card. I attach Worldslayer to it and watch my opponents dispair
Posted By:
(1/6/2010 5:26:45 PM)
Here's the deal with Child of Alara as an EDH general:
When a general is to be placed in exile or the graveyard, you could put it in the command zone, right?
Well, with this, you can't explode the world AND put it in the command zone. That's because when a general is supposed to put into the graveyard, you replace the "into the graveyard" with "into the command zone".
So, when Child dies, you have the choice: do you put it into the grave, blowing up the world but making it inaccessible, OR do you not blow up the world and return it to the command zone, waiting for a better time to blow up?
This rule both improves and ruins Child as a general. If you have more things on the field than your opponents, putting it into the command zone is better, and vice versa.
It also means that The Star dragons (Kokusho, Yosei, Keiga, Jugen and Ryusei), Tuktuk, and green Iname/autoca... (see all)
Posted By:
(12/16/2012 12:25:37 PM)
I am SO making a 2001: A Space Oddysey deck now. Any suggestions for HAL?
Posted By:
(12/24/2012 1:35:41 AM)
Mutavault, Celestial Colonnade.
Posted By:
(1/29/2013 1:58:15 AM)
@El_Pared: Gleemax.
And get yourself a friend named Dave.
Posted By:
(4/14/2013 5:38:58 PM)
The problem of this card is ..
The progeny doesn´t show mercy for nobody
Posted By:
(5/30/2009 5:41:50 PM)
Reasonably good. Not worth playing, though.
Posted By:
(12/5/2009 9:03:06 PM)
Good and bad...
Good: a 6/6 Trampler for 5. Nuke everything that's not a land when it dies and no, you don't regen, You DIE!!
Bad: 5 different colors means it'll be hard to pull out, it'll kill any mana fixing if you have non-lands helping you, it blows up your stuff too, celestial purge laughs at it, it kills your stuff too!!!
It's gonna come down to whoever has the most cards in hand to recover with after this baby goes "big boomy" all over the stage. Still, its a very nice card to all you 5 color players.
Posted By:
(4/27/2009 4:29:03 PM)
Nice card, disgusting art.
Posted By:
(1/30/2013 4:17:49 PM)