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I don't get why she's so good.

All I see is a color heavy flier with an expensive ability that is strictly worse than Ajani's Pridemate.

Sure, she gets big... Eventually. But to actually use her, it takes seven manna you have to sink into her before she can even match a Serra Angel Except without Vigilance. For that you could have an Iridescent Angel.For a 6/6 it costs nine, for that, you could have Reya Dawnbringer or Iona, Shield of Emeria...

I suppose you could argue that you could pay the cost over time... But even then. If you don't have something better to spend two manna on every turn than a two cost Battlegrowth Than your deck needs pruning.
Posted By: Zoah (4/7/2011 11:43:32 PM)


great for control
Posted By: runawaysoul (4/28/2009 8:39:12 AM)


Her biggest fears are Terminate and Cruel edict that early on, and like you've said, with as many mana fixers as there are in Standard currently, she's got a giant Bullseye on her forehead. Soon as she drops, I'm going to Terminate if I can. If not, I snakeform her, she looses all her ability counters, and is back to her original self once end of turn is resolved.
Posted By: DrakeKXI (6/11/2009 11:16:06 AM)


Terminate her and let Malfegor win the battle between both of them...
Posted By: God_of_Destruction (8/21/2009 1:39:04 AM)


I don't know if I feel this card is mythic, it's a 3 mana feral hydra in different colors, albeit a stronger feral hydra. Really good in decks that have some ability attached to them based on counters, like bramblewood paragon or etc.
Posted By: Donovan_Fabian (2/3/2010 6:55:00 AM)


People here really love Terminate, it seems. I prefer Path to Exile.

Anyhow, Jenara often drops turn two due to Birds of Paradise or Noble Hierarch, and while most can handle her, the thing is you have to handle her. She can't just be ignored. And that means less removal for later, and less pressure on the Bant player right now. Certainly a good card.
Posted By: Rainyday2012 (7/27/2009 6:51:50 PM)


Yeah, she's vulnerable to kill spells all over the place, but what all do you need in a card? She's three mana, and can easily take the game. She's a super powerful threat that generally has to be dealt with. Good card. That being said, I'll probably never play her.
Posted By: Neojoe (8/17/2009 8:10:24 PM)


Alluren just got even absurder.
Posted By: Kartakass (9/20/2009 10:15:25 AM)


People keep pointing out how quickly she gets hit by Terminate (or other creature kill), but that still means your opponent is down a removal spell for later, and it only cost you three mana to do it. And if they CAN'T kill her, they'll pay for it.
Posted By: SocialExperiment (11/6/2009 2:34:54 PM)


Its not as simple as just dropping her on turn 3 wait for a good time to play her. If your opponent uses Pacifism or similar cards, wait till' a later turn. If you fear Terror and Terminate wait as well. Hindering Light or Rebuff the Wicked will be useful in such cases.
Posted By: EnV (11/13/2009 6:03:15 PM)


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