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Community Rating: 3.933 / 5  (171 votes)
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3/3 for three mana that has an ability that protects you from....well, just about everything.
Posted By: SoulShatterer (6/29/2010 10:41:27 AM)


Sun Titans little bro.
Posted By: n00bmag1 (7/29/2010 5:32:54 PM)


I have a deck with him and Sun Titan and it's true that it really rocks. What I am wondering is if I play Destructive Force that deals 5 damage to all creatures, if I sacrificed him before playing Destructive Force, are my Wall of Omens and Overgrown Battlement staying on table?
Posted By: MagicNovice (8/23/2010 7:01:02 PM)


He seems good on paper, he really does. In reality this guy isn't that sick. Cool? Sure. Useful? A little. Game changing? Not really, no. 3.5
Posted By: bowlofgumbo (10/13/2010 4:26:17 AM)


its a good card but i think it would be even cooler with exalted... (good with wrath of god) 4.5/5
Posted By: GengilOrbios (10/24/2010 2:37:01 AM)


Its funny, the shield he's carrying bears an emblem with Elspeth on it. It uses the same exact posture that Elspeth, Knight-Errant does. And Volkan Baga is responsible for both arts.
Posted By: Kryptnyt (10/21/2011 7:49:44 PM)


Loxodon Hierarch Jr.

Not bad at all, I like it. Best thing is that if he has to take one for the team your creatures aren't tapped like they would be if they were regenerated.
Posted By: jsttu (11/5/2011 9:33:40 PM)


Sun Titan seems to be in order if one is to run this in any W/G deck.
Posted By: Demonic_Math_Tutor (1/29/2012 8:10:31 AM)


If he only was 3/4, he would be tremendously powerful... he is great like he is, but bolt survival would make it excellent
Posted By: Lueseto (3/8/2012 3:22:45 PM)


My experience of this guy is nearly the opposite of bowlofgumbo's ("He seems good on paper, he really does. In reality this guy isn't that sick. Cool? Sure. Useful? A little. Game changing? Not really, no. 3.5"). Basically, this creature is a sitting 'soak', or counter spell, for destruction magic.

When I first looked at the card, I thought it could be nice and occasionally helpful, but would generally turn out to be not all that great. I've now played a number of games with a deck in which I have 4 Escorts, along with a number of other excellent and effective creatures. My experience is that, so long as you have a bunch of other creatures in play of the type an opponent would want to destroy or remove as quickly as possible, alongside the Escort, Escort is by far worth much more than the three measly mana paid for it. It's a buffer for all of your other creatures for one turn; not one card - one turn. If you have more than one in play, the opponent just has to sit there and si... (see all)
Posted By: humor_love (4/30/2012 8:17:08 AM)


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