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Community Rating: 3.855 / 5  (86 votes)
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Yeah, I think they just didn't think enough about it to realize it could destroy planeswalkers. Artifacts, enchantments, lands make sense. But planeswalkers?

Oh well. Flavor aside, it's a good utility beast.
Posted By: littlebeast (12/16/2009 4:57:54 PM)


I prefer Nantuko Vigilante. For 1 mana less (and not all at once) you can destroy an enchantment or artifact at instant speed. This may have an extra 1 toughness and a little more flexibility, but that it only offers sorcery-speed destruction and you have to pay all the mana at once.
Posted By: james2c19v (1/21/2013 4:53:39 PM)


I think WOT messed up the flavour of this card. It looks like it was intended to be a Creeping Mold + Beast creature package, but done in a lazy manner. No logical reason it should be destroying mighty planeswalkers too.
Posted By: Reins (12/1/2009 7:39:18 PM)


Flexibility is nice. It also combos well with Garruk's Packleader to give you cards as you blow stuff up.
Posted By: VampireCat (1/7/2011 10:53:19 AM)


I am loving this card lately. Great for land destruction and he eats Jace the Mind Sculptor for breakfast.
Posted By: fuzzyvision (1/13/2011 1:55:33 AM)


I know almost nobody will read this as it's months after this card released.
I just wanted to point out a couple things about this card:

1. This is the creature pictured on the enchantment Electropotence
2. "This is strictly worse than Acidic Slime" is a criminally punishable statement, as this kills planeswalkers & therefore is incomparable to ^^
3. I'm putting this in my GW Sun Titan Control Deck in place of Acidic Slime because I feel like bruising Gideon Jura's ego a little since that jerk tries to actually swing at me *gasps* from out of the recently developed Caw-Go deck. (btw, I stomp that deck, but I hate Gideon because he's a _____!)
Posted By: AnelDerys (1/16/2011 5:46:19 PM)


You've served me well these many months, but alas, you're outmoded. Brutalizer Exarch may not be a hippo, but he does the same job for the same cost, with the bonus option to tutor up something scary. (Which beats Mold Shambler's bonus option of being a Hill Giant.)
Posted By: Steinhauser (6/5/2011 11:09:12 PM)


He seems like a fun guy....beast.
Posted By: Mirrordin_Pure (10/16/2013 6:44:27 PM)


Good for limited, good for casual

Wizards was desperate for Walker-balance in other colors while not wanting to print Hurricane cards; especially green based direct damage in a LAND block.

Honestly, in Zendikar and casual it's not that hard to get him out T3 with a ramped start.
T1 - Joraga Treespeaker
T2 - Level Treespeaker, play any other ramp card that costs 2 mana
T3 - This guy kicked

If you instead wait to T4, the treespeaker does it by himself. Ramping has never been easier :D
Posted By: blurrymadness (1/30/2014 12:40:18 PM)


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