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What if the cascaded card is a sorcery, can it still be played?
Posted By: 2097 (4/28/2009 1:16:04 AM)


i want to really like this card. but i have yet to see how cascade really plays out. i've seen it play but have yet to use it
Posted By: Stoo (4/27/2009 8:16:26 AM)


cool art ,cascade,dmg-ok you are comming with me in my Grixis deck
Posted By: Iiory (7/26/2009 12:43:48 AM)


Yeah You Got Sludged. u need castrol N I GG A
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (5/17/2011 9:30:38 PM)


If I understand the Cascade mechanic correctly, the spell with Cascade doesn't have to resolve in order for Cascade to trigger, it triggers as soon as the spell with Cascade goes on the stack.

So I'm fairly certain that cascading Bituminous Blast into Wild Ricochet would allow you to choose a new target for the damage, then copy Bituminous Blast, allowing you to deal another 4 damage to another target, then cascading again!

Edit: VrtraTheory has corrected me. Cascade works when you cast a spell, but not when a copy of a spell is put on the stack. You will get a copy of Bituminous Blast, but it will only deal 4 damage; it will not Cascade.
Posted By: Vinifera7 (10/5/2009 8:39:31 PM)


1. Kill something
2. Get something to the field
4. Profit!
Seriously, cascade with 4 mana or less is awesome. But I think that Bloodbraid Elf is a better cascade card but this is great too.
Posted By: Shiduba (10/10/2009 11:53:18 PM)


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