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Community Rating: 4.414 / 5  (666 votes)
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When I compare this to my beloved deadly recluse, I cry. Apparently B buys you +1/+1, flying (over reach), and lifelink. I know its in black not green but still...
Posted By: Chess_76 (4/16/2011 3:25:55 PM)


Too. Good.
I mean, how come this is not a rare? I ve just come from a draft with one this guy and whenever I pulled it out, it was basically game over! Three mana two three would make a great common flier and with lifelink its just impossible to race. When I attacked with it for the first time I thought "ok, two damage and two life for three mana - this guy has just done enough to justify itself" and then I happily attacked with it for the rest of the game. And deathtouch? Really? Come on. We have a three mana guy that destroys pretty much everything that isnt a Baneslayer angel.
A nice tournament card, but at uncommon, it crushes any Limited environment. I cant think of any uncommon this powerful, it s stronger than Inceremental Blight, stronger than Shriekmaw, stronger than Rhox War Monk, its just ridiculous.
Posted By: Mightyass (10/12/2009 10:32:31 AM)


This will easily be the most sought-after uncommon in zendikar. I pulled one in my prerelease and I couldn't believe my eyes. Its even better than kitchen finks, and in a vampire deck....I could only imagine how horrible it could be against the opponent. It could win the game all by itself.
Posted By: pervythemilkman (9/30/2009 6:47:38 PM)


People will be reminiscing about this one for years to come. It works in any black deck, and serves as a painful reminder to your opponent that their biggest creatures can all be foiled for a simple 3 mana, and lifegain is a nice bonus. 5/5
Posted By: d-101 (11/14/2010 6:29:00 PM)


Let me say further that this card is just terrific for old-school Mono Black Control/Aggro-Control type decks because of its versatility.

That is to say, it's almost filling a removal slot (Smother/Diabolic Edict/whatever) and a creature slot at the same time. Even without the deathtouch to block Tarmogoyfs, the fact that it's 2/3 instead of 2/2 would make it beat a lot of stuff at a similar cost.

Mana Curve shmana curve ... I run both 4 of this guy and 4 Hypnotic Specters (and 4 Dark Ritual, naturally) in my legacy-casual Monoblack Control deck. Everyone hates me, obviously. :)))
Posted By: snapbee (11/25/2010 6:16:14 PM)


Broken. Sick and broken.
And it's UNCOMMON!
Posted By: Bursama (11/21/2010 4:14:35 AM)


Power creep indeed.

I also agree with the mention of lightning bolt vs shock. Printing a card like this causes people to, for a long time after its printing, feel unhappy with the alternatives. That's how power creep spirals get set in motion.
Posted By: Baconradar (8/16/2010 7:41:51 AM)


A couple people mentioned slapping grappling hook and such on it, and the opponent requiring at, least 3 creatures to kill it. This is not the case, since the new death touch rule, he could kill his power worth of blockers in the first strike damage. 3 will not be enough, sadly, in these situations...
Posted By: Yotika (11/6/2009 3:15:18 AM)


turn 1 : swamp + Dark Ritual + Vampire Nighthawk = WTF
5 star's all the way i run 4 in my black weenie deck
by far the best weenie card i have seen since Hypnotic Specter and Savannah Lions
Posted By: spacechaser0001 (11/9/2009 1:47:35 PM)


the zendiar block really messed up the rankings on rares and uncommons.easily a rare
this card is always problamatic to opponents. 5\5..maybe on the last release in the block
a rare will be a rare..am i the only one that thinks worldwake is total crap? o well..
Posted By: hhfgd (3/6/2010 5:55:52 PM)


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