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The little brother of Baneslayer Angel, haha. If the other colors would have equal opportunities I would be morely okay with them...
Posted By: Aun (4/30/2010 1:50:57 PM)


Not broken, but it is most certainly overpowered. This one card was the reason I was afraid that Zendikar block was going to push vampires so hard as to make the deck broken, but fortunately I was mistaken in my assumption. Still, this card is an insanely strong 3-drop, one of the strongest black has ever had. 5 stars.
Posted By: Cubozoan (6/2/2010 6:49:32 AM)


he needs to be either 3 black mana or rare.
Posted By: Hand_Bannana (8/19/2010 4:57:49 AM)


Doesn't get much better than this, a definite four-of in any black aggro deck.
Posted By: Boday1 (8/20/2010 2:04:51 PM)


Wow. This card almost has as many comments as Jace.
Posted By: land_comment (3/24/2011 11:48:00 AM)


Amazing p/t and set of abilities for the low casting cost, and great artwork to back it up. The vampire deck is going to be absolutely sick. Turn one Vampire Lacerator, Turn three Nighthawk. Imagine this in vintage or legacy with legal dark ritual!

Why can't this be in my colors? I hate black.
Posted By: Laguz (9/25/2009 11:24:03 PM)


This card is SO dang good I had to get a set for my vampire deck... The most terrifing vamp I ever came across...
Posted By: AbyssalManZero (11/12/2009 7:32:46 PM)


easily the most powerful creature in the game with respect to its cost. a game ending power play at 3 cmc!
Posted By: jyang74 (2/22/2010 8:46:45 PM)


My favorite memory with this card: I was playing a friend casually, who claimed he had a "unbeatable fast" deck. I was just playing an all black baddie deck (not even a vampire deck) I dark ritualled to put this dude out on the first turn. My opponent countered with a jackal familiar. On the second turn, I put down another swamp and unholy strengthed this dude twice...His unbeatable fast deck was done by turn 4. (I got out a child of the night on turn 3) and my life was 40. Good times...

BTW this card is WAY too cheap...
Posted By: Azymth (4/16/2010 9:57:23 PM)


this is one card that begs for a combo, for instance, this +grappling hook +blade of the bloodchief or goblin war paint orsavage silhouette

so, now it is a 2/3 flying lifelinking deathtoucher, with double strike and a pump ability

your opponent blinks and scoops at that point, cause you can just go, "I will have my nighthawk attack, oh and, your really big creature, yeah that (insert huge creature w/ flying) it must block her"

and the best part, she has to be blocked by 3 creatures if your opponent has any chance of killing her, and the third must be a 7+ power creature to have a chance at killing it

the other 2 cards, well, lets pump her up by 2 each and give her haste or regenerate so she can block anything, and live, sure it is 3 colors, but remember jund, the BRG shard, those are the 3 colors, plus green helps with some nasty landfall

in all, I really like this card, under mana priced for what... (see all)
Posted By: Dingo777 (10/6/2009 10:08:52 PM)


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