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So broken, it's shattered.
Posted By: PlanesMoyza (12/3/2010 5:12:12 PM)


This is better than Hypnotic Specter? Why, because it has got two shiny keywords and one more toughness? You really don't understand the impact of discarding one random card, do you?
While this guy either deals 2 damage or kills a blocker, all while gaining you 2 life, Hypnotic will only completely ruin your opponent's strategy.
Sure, sometimes you'd prefer having a Nighthawk, but a Hypnotic Specter still kicks copious amounts of ass. Not that I've ever been hit by either of them, I usually play Red and get these things Lightning Bolted or Searing Blazed the moment I see their smug faces.

One thing that I've always asked myself is how the hell this thing flies. Like, it hasn't got any visible wings and it definitely doesn't transform into a bat (only Innistrad's vampires do that, as seen in Screeching Bat). Maybe he has some kind of magical wings - after all, he's a shaman. Wait... (see all)
Posted By: Lash_of_Dragonbreath (10/5/2011 10:51:36 PM)


I love when people take a simple french vanilla creature like this and lose their minds over it. It's not that hard to deal with.

In aggro, it will often just trade with a bigger creature and it's controller will gain 2 life. (Which is still arguably pretty good, but nothing to go crazy about.) If the person with the Nighthawk is in the position to consistently NOT block, then the aggro deck they're playing against must not be very good.

In control and combo, this thing may never come out, and even if it does it will probably be removed, anyways. This isn't so much of a 'it can die to removal' argument so much as it is an 'it WILL die to removal' argument, because decks like that often have more solutions like that than creatures.

This is a very good card, probably worth 5 stars even. It may even be one of the best black three drop creatures of it's time. But it's not going to win the game on it's own. And it most certainly is NOT broken.
Posted By: Necrokeryx (8/3/2011 4:22:33 PM)


Probably the best 3 drop for black. Ever.
Posted By: BattleMagnum (3/7/2010 11:32:11 PM)


Apparently Vampires lately have the license of being some sort of black weenie.
If that's not a vanilla creature i don't know what it is. Ohai thar, powercreep!

Of course, black still won't get 3/3 bodies for 2Black, but who cares if you can simply get a 2/3 death-touching, life-absorbing flyer for 1BlackBlack?
Posted By: Mode (10/8/2009 10:21:16 AM)


Unbelievably good for an uncommon. Why wizards, Why.
Posted By: made4ipod (2/6/2011 7:08:53 AM)


My, how you've changed, Mirri, Cat Warrior!
Posted By: occamsrazorwit (12/1/2011 1:58:25 PM)


i would like it more if he would have protection from everything...
Posted By: Zefaris (4/3/2010 1:39:58 PM)


I like to drop him on turn 3 and equip him with a Nightmare Lash on turn 4 and swing with a 6/7 flying/deathtouch/lifelink. This is just one of those cards where if you own it, its so hard not to put it in your deck because it is just too good.
Posted By: Revelation666 (7/6/2010 10:39:29 PM)


There are, probably, better cards in Magic. As long as I can keep this guy in my deck, though, I don't really feel the need to find out what they are.

Posted By: EvilCartographer (5/18/2011 1:27:36 PM)


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