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Isn't green kinda embarrassed that white beat it at its own game?
Posted By: Aburaishi (11/27/2010 9:17:55 PM)


Does anyone else think this is just a little ridiculous in EDH?
I really want this to be legendary so all-land-and-moxen EDH decks can exist.
Posted By: SirLibraryEater (11/21/2013 3:07:14 PM)


1 deathmark for this 6 to cast creature, and he's dead
Posted By: shiana (9/27/2009 7:43:09 PM)


Strictly worse than Storm Crow.
Posted By: Wudikind (3/24/2010 7:20:01 PM)


Ugh, this thing is so stupid. Yet another self-fulfilling, overpowered mythic. With the copious amounts of health that can be gained these days in white and black, this thing is just waaay too overpowered.

MAYBE 50 health. I'd say even more than that. Also doesn't help the balance of the game that the creature itself has a decent-sized power with lifelink and vigilance.
Posted By: Ladnarud (12/10/2010 4:40:31 PM)


Ban this thing in commander already. Or better yet, errata it to 20 more then your starting life total.
Why? The pricetag is 4$ because all the sheeple like abusing cards.
Do you think this thing was designed with a 40 starting life in mind? Okay, use common sense, and stop abusing the game.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (2/20/2013 2:47:54 PM)


So... a crappy, but swingier, Test of Endurance. Fail Mythic is fail.
Posted By: Designer_Genes (10/3/2009 10:08:47 AM)


Bant EDH turn 3 win with this guy
Turn 1: Island, pass
Turn 2: any land, pass. End of their turn, flash a Protean Hulk, let it die and tutor up this guy
Turn 3: Win. :D
Posted By: Monkeypantsa (4/13/2013 1:31:59 PM)


I wouldn't play this in EDH except as the Archenemy.

Firstly, the creature itself has a MASSIVE target on its head, of course.

Secondly, I think it might be a big enough offense to play this in a format as Casual Fun oriented as EDH that yet has so much pure power there that I would probably devote my next few turns to eliminating the player even after the cat is dead, and further I would be aggressive to them in the next game to remind them not to play it- I would back off before I did enough damage for it to really be called sabotage in Game 2, but Felidar Sovereign in EDH is a bit like Infect in Vanguard, with Mishra.
Posted By: DarthParallax (10/6/2012 11:06:10 AM)


I can forgive Serra Ascendant as she doesn't flat-out win you the game, but how is this guy still legal in EDH?
Posted By: Raexs (5/24/2013 10:33:56 AM)


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