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I did a Fallen Empires draft at my LGS recently. This card is freaking unstoppable.

The only reason I was able to win was with my endless army of 0/1 thrull tokens from Breeding Pit.

My opponent decked himself. I couldn't kill Homarid, so I made him deck himself instead. That games lasted about a million turns.

Homarid, man. Homarid at High Tide was just too much.
Posted By: yousquiddinme (11/18/2012 6:49:29 PM)


High tide is cool, but what if you take your Homarids EVEN HIGHER?

Put out two Homarids. When one's at three and the other's at two, Fate Transfer them.

You now have five tide counters on a Homarid; His ability should remove them, but it triggers when he has /four/ counters.

The counters will increase every turn, until the tide is so high the world is flooded.

Homarids rule!
Posted By: NARFNra (6/26/2013 2:50:36 AM)


I would really love to see a set that based itself upon the continent of Sarpadia and all the strange species that won out in the end. The story could be told through an explorer's standpoint. There would be a characters like Sisay and her crew that would delve into the wilds of Sarpadia. The place would be overrun with all manner of strange and powerful thrulls, homarids, and thallids. It would also hold many buried treasures from the empires that had fallen. And there might be a couple outposts of grizzled orcs and dwarves that had *GASP* joined forces and adapted into one society that had learned to live in cohabitation with all these strange new creatures. Now that would be a new take on dwarves and orcs wouldn't it? If they had adapted to become the best of friends over the years in order to survive the same circumstance. (Wizards: Feel free to take this idea and run with it.)
I would like to see a card named: Droning Queen Summon Homarid Casting cost: U She is a 0/1 t... (see all)
Posted By: Phelplan (8/5/2013 1:04:52 AM)


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