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Community Rating: 2.800 / 5  (120 votes)
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That wizard is looking down at us, as if he has some reason to be proud. But we all know he's a broken-down husk of a mage, forced to cast Cancel.
Posted By: scumbling1 (6/2/2011 3:09:23 PM)


Screw you, Wizards. You can keep reprinting this garbage, I will NEVER use it. Cancel is an insult to blue players everywhere. Hell, this whole M10 set is insulting. I mean, Coral Merfolk? Horned Turtle? Friggin' Jump?! I hate you now, Wizards.
Posted By: True_Mumin (7/12/2009 1:14:28 PM)


This card is a disgrace to all blue players...
Posted By: True_Smog (7/13/2009 3:16:43 AM)


BORING. At the least, it should have had some freakin flavor text. But potential wise, why didn't wizards just make a new counter card to go in addition with this one? This card was already reprinted in Alara, there really isn't any need for it to be taking up a slot in the blue M10 (especially since most blue cards in M10 are not good). A new cheap counterspell with some kind of restrictive rule would have been great (e.g. Spell Snare, etc.). Or for that matter Counterspell! Anything new would have been better than another pointless reprint of this.
Posted By: SavageBrain89 (7/16/2009 6:23:23 PM)


In Shards It Sucked In M10 Its Good I Canceled An Overrun And A Planar Cleansing LMAO 1ST PLACE OBVIOUSLY. And For All You Blue Players Complaining About This Its Probably Because You Just Suck Cuz In Draft This Thing Is Easily Utilized. Just Play Essence Scatter Anyways....Duh
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (8/3/2009 5:26:21 PM)


Still a good card allowing more versatility in a permission deck. Although it needs 3 mana, should not be as much as a factor later in the game when most of the land is out. I would put 3 or 4 in a deck. Blue is definitely the weakest color by itself but still plays a significant support role.
Posted By: woodsgirl (8/15/2009 10:11:14 PM)


guys need to stop hatin on this card, what, are you too cheap to pay 1 more mana for a counterspell? im not and i like this card, so whatever...
Posted By: mono_blue_forever (9/17/2012 12:31:05 PM)


IMO, should have costed 2U instead of 1UU. Still okay, but if it was at 2U, it would be a bit more playable in multi-colored decks. Maybe Wizards doesn't want blue splashed with anything. Mana Leak didn't make the cut, even though it is a better counter than this in most cases.
Posted By: TokenMaster (8/16/2009 6:21:36 PM)


Its nice to see a hard counter back in a base blockset. However adding one mana to it to quiet the angry mobs over Counterspell's OP factor is just stupid. 4/5
Posted By: ZioKai (8/27/2009 9:01:16 PM)


I, for one, like the lack of flavor text. it just makes the card's attitude that much crankier. this is about as no-nonsense as it gets, and there is no need for cutesy quotes or horrible action-movie-style one-liners.
Posted By: BentMorality (9/17/2009 12:36:53 AM)


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