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I'm not complaining but, much like Tezzeret, she seems to have a very narrow role. She either has to be in an elf deck or not in any deck.
Posted By: Test-Subject_217601 (8/7/2010 8:54:46 PM)


I don't like this one, she is so incredibly narrow, all of her abilities depend on other cards in your deck, so if you want to play her it has to be in an elf deck. Garruck is so versatile and can be played in any green deck with creatures of any kind. She has 2 life, which means she is not only bolt bait, she is shock bait too, along with a lot of other weak burn spells. I can see that in an elf deck she is devastating, but in decks without elves she is useless, and if i got her in a booster, I would be forced to make an elf deck if I wanted to play her, where most other planeswalkers can be played in most decks, at least while remaining useful.
Way too situational to score high.
Tribal planeswalkers are a disgrace imo.
Posted By: Sironos (8/25/2010 3:24:46 PM)


The people that think that her ultimate is not that strong don't really know Changeling Berserker and the other "champion a creature" changelings that would protect you from a Wrath of God while been an inmediate threat.

Actually, you can look for a Gilt-Leaf Archdruid and six other elf druids (what a rare combination right?) and inmediately prevent any sorcery-speed comeback from your opponent.
Posted By: androkguz (9/22/2010 12:10:04 PM)


I'm no too worried about a Day of Judgment the turn after I pop her ultimate ability. At least one of the elves I bring in will be a Gilt-Leaf Archdruid. Let's see you cast much of anything with no land.
Posted By: Bishop084 (10/6/2010 11:55:04 AM)


I have this in my elf EDH deck, and I've used her at least twice. Both times she didn't last nearly long enough to use the ultimate, but the lifegain was very helpful.

If you can manage gaining 20 life for 4 mana, it's usually a good deal.
Posted By: Gelzo (12/12/2010 12:53:43 PM)


Works really, really well with Artificial Evolution if you aren't fond of Elves.
Posted By: TheBoctor (12/13/2010 9:23:51 PM)


This planes walker doesn't cost your first born to get! :O
Posted By: iSlapTrees (3/28/2011 2:21:42 PM)


If they have any removal/damage LEFT for her by turn 4 in a proper elf deck...you're doing something wrong.
Posted By: SeiberTross (4/11/2011 7:21:49 AM)


if u played RG u could have Urabrask the Hidden and win right away if u get to youse nissas finnal abillity given all youre lame elfs haste and attack befor they can react to it or have mana produceing elfs for a giant fireball lol
Posted By: remake (5/13/2011 7:10:42 AM)


Did someone just like 0.5 all the comments on here just to troll? Some of these aren't bad comments. Also, I was skeptical at first, but she is horribly painful if you don't have a bolt RIGHT THAT SECOND. By turn 4 a lot of Elf decks should have at least 3 elves down (my opponent had 7, I had 3 goblins, and yet no bolts in hand), that's a lot of life quickly, or another elf doesn't hurt. I killed her right before he swung for 27 at 48 life himself. I had him down to 1 two or three turns ago. Sick beyond belief and the only thing keeping Elves from fading into oblivion. 4/5.
Posted By: Shadoflaam (5/31/2011 12:55:54 PM)


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