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Ok people who say she dies immediately to Bolt or to anything are wrong. You cast this card when you have priority and priority passes around the table. If nobody counters, you have priority again. You may now activate an ability, including Nissa's ability. They now have priority and cast Bolt. You now gained a bunch of life without loss of card advantage or you gain board advantage with a Nissa's Chosen.
Posted By: blink182zombies (6/12/2011 4:40:22 AM)


Apart from her being extremely weak when she hits the field, she is s solid addition to any tribal Elf deck. Yes, she can get burned, but so what? Think of the possibilities.
With her alone, you could start gaining 2 life a turn for each Elf you control. And if you're running full Elves, that can add up quickly.
The Nissa's Chosen ability sucks, in my opinion. There are WAY more Elves out there with FAR better abilities than Nissa's Chosen has.
The mass Elf drop is nice, VERY nice, but unnecessary if you can play your cards right. It's more of a last resort, in my opinion. I like Nissa strictly for the life gain. HOWEVER, the Elf drop can in fact win the game for you. (or lose it) I will agree with most though, the final ability costs way too much. Seven is rather high to me, but I won't argue with it. Keep reading to find out why.
The card Doubling Season is perfect for most any planeswalker. It can help save them from c... (see all)
Posted By: Captain_StarFleet (6/19/2011 3:32:58 PM)


The life gained by her second ability is so ridiculous, it puts ajani goldmane´s first ability to shame. Considering both at the same cost and white the main color for life gain (although green is second best in that, agreed) i really think either one of the two planeswalkers lifegain amount should be different.
For example gaining 1 life per elf should still be a hell of a lot in most situations or giving ajani 3,4 or even 5 wouldn´t overpower him in my opinion.

All in all this makes me sad :D
But both still great Planeswalkers nonetheless.
Posted By: ChaosK (7/17/2011 5:19:33 AM)


She's definitely amazing for elves, the only disconcerting thing I find is that you can throw her down, use her +1 and she can still get bolted.
Posted By: BrutalJim (7/18/2011 7:53:49 PM)


Only Planeswalker that doesn't have a staff or body part or something sticking out of the picture space
Posted By: Gahoojin (8/20/2011 6:57:51 AM)


still waiting on a thallid planeswalker...
Posted By: Arachibutyrophobia (8/20/2011 12:19:21 PM)


so, yeah

4x Nissa's Chosen, which is already good
4x Heedless One
4x Joraga Warcaller, to blow the elves up a ton
maybe some Silhana Ledgewalkers for some powered up evasion

not perfect, but just a few elves, built around each other is already great

throw Nissa in, and you have a a massive life gainer, and a way to summon an army in an instant

in terms of pulling out creatures Nissa and Liliana Vess are great, but Liliana requires your opponent to play creatures and you to kill them, or your's to die
Nissa only requires that you have them.

imo, despite being one of the more niche planeswalkers, one of the best. if you can build around her, and pull off her ultimate, it's an absolute game ender, considering it drastically changes the field
Posted By: CrowJonSnow (8/21/2011 8:39:57 PM)


i use nissa in my elf deck solely for her lifegain, im not running any nissa's chosens. i WOULD use her final, but in my fnm she hasnt yet lasted three turns. :(
nevertheless, when shes out i almost always have 5+ elves out, so that leads to me being able to take some heat and then pound them with the creatures i didnt have to block with. shes prolly won me almost half of my elf deck victories in fnm, or at least led to them.
Posted By: GracefulAssassin14 (9/18/2011 10:12:36 AM)


Nissa can prove really dangerous, but there are some facts about her I don't like.
Pulling free 2/3 every turn is nice, but what's not so nice is fact that you have to include Nissa's Chosen into your deck. Chosens themselves are solid two-drops. As I started running Nissa, I put 4 of them to my deck. With time, I decreased the number to 3. Now I plan to change my deck a little bit again, trying the deck with just 2 copies. There are many two drop elves that you may want more to your deck than chosens, and there is definitely much more elves you want to pull into play instead. I would like to see her tutor-like ability more general, letting you chose what creature to put into game.... sure, such ability would not be +1, but rather -2 or something like that, but it brings us to second problem...
Nissa starts with ridiculous 2 loyality counters and having two +1 abilities. She would be much more playable with having at least +2 ability. I believe that making her lif... (see all)
Posted By: Narim (10/8/2011 1:34:32 PM)


Nissa Revane. Because Elf decks weren't good enough without a planeswalker specific to them. -_-
Posted By: gman92 (8/12/2012 12:09:08 AM)


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