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Because god knows, elves were the tribe in the most need of overpowered support.
Posted By: NoobOfLore (9/1/2012 4:33:01 AM)


ok, so elf tribal has been probably one of the strongest tribals, if not the strongest, since Urza's Block. With that being said, Nissa allows you to pull out an elvish Warrior equivalent each turn as a +1 effect. Then after you've gotten all 4 of the out of your deck you can continue to get +1 by gaining 4+ life each turn. That alone is fantastic. Sure it requires you to play elves and sure she's less good without her Chosen, but 2/3 for 2 mana is decent to begin with and you turn one card into five cards removed from the deck over the course of 4 turns. After you've pulled the Chosen out and gained life for them and whatever, you can pull all the elves out of your deck the next turn or just wait and extra turn to keep Nissa alive and constantly life gain turn after turn for, again ALL THE ELVES IN YOUR DECK! How is this rated so low? You guys have clearly never played against an elf deck running Wellwisher. The only complaint I have about this card is that ... (see all)
Posted By: raptorman333 (9/24/2012 12:15:08 PM)


I remember when this card was selling for over $100 on MTGO and then it dipped to like ten dollars. Still more than I'm willing to pay for such a narrow card but hey.
Posted By: wholelottalove (10/9/2012 6:44:44 AM)


She's too slow for Legacy/Modern Elves, and therefore, only playable in EDH (Ezuri, Renegade Leader or Eladamri, Lord of Leaves as your general).

And MindAblaze, that's insane! A 3-cost planeswalker that constantly puts a 2/2 token out? Her -3 gains 2 life and Cruel Edict's? Her Ultimate can get you Gleancrawler, Doomgape, Glissa, Lord of Extinction, not including any multi-coloured cards (like Kresh, Ghave... even multicoloured ones like Sliver Queen!)?

Yeah, right. I guess Jace Beleren was equal to that power level. You know, +2 is broken, bro!
Posted By: Ferlord (10/18/2012 12:33:36 PM)


Hottest Planeswalker. Not rating by Chandra flames or smexy Jace ultimates, but yes. I have a thing for pointy ears, the color green, and ponytails.
Posted By: Kura-san (10/23/2012 3:20:31 AM)


Don't know why people think you need an elf deck to run Nissa, just Artificial Evolution Elf into whatever you want. I personally like Dragon so that I can Research four Bogardan Hellkite into my deck, only to search for all of them with Nissa's -7. This also works well with Felidar Sovereign.
Posted By: Hunted0Lesser (10/31/2012 9:43:40 AM)


I know I'm not exactly the most knowledgeable player,

But, I love Nissa!
I just bought her just yesterday and put her into my Elf deck. I was playing with my friends in a game of "Predator" (I hope that's what it's called), and one them used Terminus two turns after I played Genesis Wave and just after I played her. Luckily I used her +1 ability to shuffle my deck, even though I didn't have Nissa's Chosen.

Nissa Definitely helped me because, in the turn I took afterwards, I drew a Soul of The Harvest, in the subsequent turn I drew my one drop elves (i.e. Llanowar Elves, Arbor Elf or Joraga Treespeaker), until I drew a land, but used her other +1 for life (this continued for 2 other turns) and gained 65 life total (the most I've ever gained, because I've never played any super life ga... (see all)
Posted By: nelsonngyn0 (11/24/2012 10:33:02 AM)


My problem with her isn't that he's narrow, it's that she's fragile. Four mana for 2 loyalty counters is just too weak in my opinion. If she had had 3 starting counters she'd have been out of Lightning Bolt range (just use one of her +1 abilities while you still have priority after she resolves).

That said if you can get her to stick and have built your deck properly, she can be quite powerful. Just don't overextend too much with her last ability. It would be a shame to play out all your elves only to get them hit with a Day of Judgment.
Posted By: Nagoragama (3/20/2013 9:37:52 PM)


Guys, Its Pretty Obvious that if you don't have a good elf deck its useless, but I have an awesome elf deck therefore This card would probably give me the winning edge in every game
Posted By: rino99 (3/22/2013 7:41:40 PM)


I use Nissa in a deck built around the Nissa Revane Ears of the elves deck from Duels of the Planeswalkers, I unfortunately only have one Nissas chosen, but in a deck built around getting out a lot of tokens very quickly and making those tokens grow very quickly(through Immaculate Magistrate or Coat of Arms) she keeps your life total nice and high and then her Ultimate pops off and brings out the rest of the elves in your deck.
yes she is limited but in the right deck she is Super Effective
Posted By: AlexeiTSE (5/6/2013 10:39:26 PM)


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