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Community Rating: 3.471 / 5  (401 votes)
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-7: Put your library into play

Community: wow, that card sucks!....
Posted By: Pendulous (6/4/2013 8:16:19 PM)


My favorite planeswalker
Posted By: Ianplaysmagic (6/11/2013 11:39:06 AM)


@Pendulous: Perhaps you're missing the fact that the -7 takes six turns at least to activate and Nissa will never survive that long. Plus the other two abilities are weak.
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (7/16/2013 2:23:51 PM)


You dont need to run her in an elf deck, just run x3 with x4 chosen.

Lol at the low rating. But whens the last time you included a planeswalker because of the ultimate? This generates creatures and keeps your health points up.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (8/9/2013 4:55:20 AM)


So a guy hits her ultimate in EDH...
Posted By: Mirrordin_Pure (8/28/2013 1:44:38 PM)


@Lifegainwithabite: Please, this is elves we're talking about here. In a proper deck, you've got maaaaybe half a turn to interact with her before the board is so clogged up with chump blockers* that you can't do anything. Then you get her ult off, and.... Game over man, GAME OVER!

*Joraga Warcaller says they're only chump blockers if you want them to be
Posted By: ThisisSakon (9/6/2013 6:10:43 PM)


I am also a huge fan of Elves. I am almost done collecting every English printing. When Nissa dropped, so did my jaw. I have built many decks around her. I don't like that she isn't as versatile as other walkers. It's quite annoying in fact. Hopefully she will get a new card, or at least a new printing. The whole controversy about her having cleavage was a bit dramatic. Especially with cards out there like the original Serra Angel, Disciple of Grace, or the Hero of Bladehold promo. Even Tibalt got a V.S. deck. Come on Magic. Something?
Posted By: benlivinmusic (10/4/2013 4:52:27 PM)


I love this card. It's the only Planeswalker with such a narrow use, except Tibalt, who has none, but the strongest win-con in my casual elf deck. Her first ability is a recurring blocker, if her second ability resolves even once, I become nigh unkillable, and her final flat out wins, though for Vorthosian reasons, (mainly that I love the character, and can't bear to see her in my Yard,) I will never use it unless she's at 8 counters. Seriously, if she was real, I would marry this woman. If we don't get a new version of her in the next few years, I will be extraordinarily disappointed. My two best friends feel the same way about Chandra and Elspeth, and both of them got reprints recently. I mean, this is a large part of our meta. They have Chandra and Elspeth decks. I have a Nissa deck. They can build more decks around their new versions. I can sit here dreaming of more Nissa.
Posted By: NissasChosen (10/24/2013 6:02:08 PM)


I want to use her in a RedGreen deck with a warstorm surge and
4 Wirewood Guardians
Posted By: Lord_of_phyrexia (11/20/2013 4:50:21 PM)


On paper, +1: Make a 2/3 looks pretty decent - after all...
4 mana garruk makes a 2/2 for +0
4 Mana garruk makes 3/3 for -1, and
5 mana garruk makes 3/3 for +1

The problem here is not that she starts at 2 loyalty (and immediately goes up to 3, then gains +1 in all subsequent turns).

The problem is that to use her only real card advantage ability (at -7, the ulti has no bearing on the playability of the card) requires you to have a 2 mana 2/3 french-vanilla in your library. And in a competitive deck, this is simply unacceptable.

I bet if the +1 had said "put a 2/3 token named Nissa's Chosen onto the battlefield", this card would easily have overtaken the "4 mana Garruk that makes a 3/3 for -1". The comparison wouldn't even be close.
Posted By: fibonacci112358 (12/29/2013 8:13:36 AM)


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