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Nissa is probably a more linear planeswalker than Tezzeret. Your only choice with her is Elf Tribal.
Posted By: JFM2796 (8/1/2011 10:47:42 AM)


I think no one plays her because all elf users are uninteractive combo jerks.

In a real elf deck that wants to attack with a reasonable number of good elves and isn't reaching for any near-infinite combos, this is a very good planeswalker.
Posted By: Bobth (3/30/2013 10:19:26 AM)


My Battle of Wits elf deck runs 4 of her, yes 96 elf comeing into play make players scoop every time. and if I droped a Conspiracy naming elf 168 come into play but I am evil like that.
Posted By: mr8658 (1/4/2014 12:02:06 PM)


Is it just me, or have anyone else noticed that Nissa is the only planeswalker that does'nt come out of the art box?
Posted By: Touch_Of_Red (2/17/2010 5:16:15 AM)


Only good for elf fanboys obviously, but admittedly there are an awful lot of them
Posted By: Smilezilla (2/17/2010 9:40:23 PM)


I love this card, very fun for me :) I love the life gain ability. The ultimate was really fun to use! ^_^ 5/5
Posted By: The_Somnambulist (3/21/2010 10:04:18 PM)


My only problems with this card is:

1. If you run "X' of her, she takes up X+4 Deck slots

2, The oft mentioned 2 loyalty. Bolt, Burst...it pretty much takes her out right off the bat.

Aside of my qualms, she's still pretty good. She's a good tribal Planeswalker with a giant target on her chest.
Posted By: spectermonger (3/31/2010 1:52:13 PM)


does that mean if u have an elf deck with strictly only elf creatures, you could do the -7 ability and put every creature in your deck onto the battlefield????
Posted By: Sir_Kaeru (4/4/2010 3:30:16 PM)


this card worked great for me in my last turnnie shes awesome if your under 10 health and in a bind and have a few elves on the field i run a mono green power elf deck (so i got mostly elves but i use alot of big beast creatures as well) i had my 4 nissa's chosen on the field and 2 more elf creatures i used her +1 to give me 2 life for every elf i had and brought me up buying me a few turns agenst a black/red deck i ended up letting him attack nissa with all his cards (she had 8 counters on her) and took him out while his cards were tapped out best card in my deck id say she has way more than one use if you can find them id say as much of a necessity for any green deck as much as fog or giant growth
Posted By: Knives_ (4/22/2010 11:41:51 PM)


Seems like a lot of people don't like her because she's fragile and narrow. She is, but she's also really powerful. Elspeth makes 1/1 tokens. Nissa makes 2/3 tokens in a deck that is guaranteed to have tribal support for it. The life gaining is great too, especially if you already have all of your Chosens out of your deck. The ultimate opens you up to mass removal, so I'd only use it if Nissa has 8 or more loyalty, but if you manage to untap with all those elves in play, you're pretty much guaranteed a win.

Posted By: Vorthosian (4/27/2010 4:59:07 AM)


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