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Wanna know what I'd like to see? I wanna see Nissa in an elf deck beat Jace. That would be hilarious, however unlikely it is. After you pull all your elves out you need to win FAST because your deck becomes a neon sign saying, "Kill me! I'm vulnerable and small!" Other than that, and as everyone else pointed out, her vulnerability to burn (haha, my brothers are mainly the only people I play with and only one of them has a deck with any red in it), she's a good card. Who thinks her next version will be green black? I'm getting the Elvish Predation deck ASAP and I want to put Nissa in it, but I'm not sure if I should wait for a new version of her to come out since Elvish Predation is green-black. . .
Posted By: le.marquis (4/30/2010 8:34:30 AM)


Potently a very cool plainswalker although "search your deck of a card named" effects seem a bit too much like Yu-Gi-Oh to me. I think she would have been much better with something more like a minus ability like:
"Search your deck of an elf creature card, pay it's manna cost, and put it into play"

Something like that might also make her more flexible and make your opponent much less afraid of her because you could keep her counters low. As she is, your opponent will take one look at that ability and think: "She dies now!" This combined with her low loyalty will likely take her out of the game quickly.

Her biggest downside is her rigidity; you can only use her to do one thing, and only in an elf deck. that and if she activates her ultimate ability and your opponent has any sort of clear the stage tricks your game is over; a little paranoid, but still.

My personal thing I want to see is this plainswalker against Lilliana after relatively late in the game so that there are a few thin... (see all)
Posted By: Zoah (5/2/2010 10:21:30 PM)


People here are way too worried about massive removal. I play a lot with massive removal but only so many decks are filled with massive removal. I have maybe 2 or 3 decks that are filled with 4 copies of Wrath of God, but even I am not that lame to play the same deck over and over again (and I have at least 12-15 decks that are playable). Same goes for lightning fast damage like lightnig bolts (or lightning helix). You can't expect people to build 10 decks with at least 4 wrath of gods in each of those 10 decks (if you ask me that's pretty insane...Not to mention, you have way too much money to spend on magic if so).
It's my favourite planeswalker right next to the absolutely fabulous Elspeth, Knight-Errant.

Fun to play but extremely hard to keep alive if not focused on that task. Try using "That Wich Was Taken" , or messing around with "Gilder Bairn", don't be so freakin' pessimistic :D

Let's face it people, every planeswalker has a huge bullseye on it. My friends go like "Oh my ... (see all)
Posted By: Nuclear_Pony (5/7/2010 2:05:46 PM)


I really love this card. I haven't played MTG in 11 years, i have no clue about Planewalkers. Since I love elfs...I got this planewalker...she is fun. :)
Posted By: olliefu (6/6/2010 1:26:59 PM)


Question: Can you use her ultimate to put a Chameleon Colossus into play?
Posted By: Paleopaladin (6/10/2010 12:16:19 AM)


OMG Its type 2 WellWisher
Posted By: EnV (6/18/2010 7:57:29 PM)


i think that Nissa a garruk make the best combo beacuse if you take all your elfs out of your deck and you can kill beacuse Garuks -4 abillity give all your elfs +4/+4 and trample until end of turn is amazing
Posted By: Sk8ermikes (7/11/2010 1:09:03 PM)


i love the picture, she loos so cool. and her 2nd ability is obviously awsome in an elf heavy deck. she would be perfect with Elvish Promenade and Rhys the Redeemed
Posted By: iNathan (7/25/2010 7:59:11 PM)


Meh. Unless you're using Gilder Bairn or Doubling Season, she's so-so and somewhat narrow.

Besides, she doesn't even stand out of the frame like other planeswalkers.
Posted By: Belz_ (8/1/2010 2:25:16 PM)


She's mainly useful for her first ability, which I would almost say is the best among planeswalker abilities that add counters (except possibly Chandra Ablaze's). Not only is it nearly as good as Garruk's -1 ability in terms of pure creature advantage, but it provides infinite sacrifice fodder for the right deck. The only bad thing is that unlike most of the other planeswalkers that start at 3 and with whom you can use their +1 as soon as you drop them to get them out of bolt range, she is extremely vulnerable to bolt. But if you're not playing against red, she could be better than Garruk in many cases.
Posted By: achilleselbow (8/1/2010 3:30:48 PM)


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