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Community Rating: 4.025 / 5  (81 votes)
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Why can't this be green? Why?
Posted By: CommandoDroid1 (8/9/2009 6:08:49 PM)


Consume Spirit Is Great Especially With Some Late Draw Dark Rituals In Hand But Im Movin Over To This Tendrils Card Its Absoloutley Filthy And The Art Is Killer Plus Its An Instant And I Have A Deck With Just Swamps About 20 Of Em And This Card Will Make Em Worth My While Easily
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (8/29/2009 3:59:33 PM)


Spitemare? Looks like fun to play in BRG (for some mana accel)
Posted By: grundledib (11/18/2009 7:33:17 AM)


one great removal in mono black 5/5 for me. especially with zendikar vamparies.
Posted By: nineyears (12/17/2009 4:17:52 AM)


so i do at least 4 damage to a creature and gain 4 life, for 4 mana, thas nice. what about these: pay 4 mana,do 10 damage and gain 10 life, this card is great i wouldn't say that it is strictly better than consume spirit, since consume spirit can target the player, and therefore be a finisher if lets say your opponent has 4 life and your creatures cant get through his defenses, you play a consume spirit, and win the game, so tendrils is not strictly better, but definetly a card worth playing, and it intrigues me the fact that these is a common and consume spirit an uncommon.

great for mono black, use two on my deck and i am seriously questioning if i should get 2 more.

a deserved 4.5/5
Posted By: Tobolococo (2/25/2010 1:27:26 PM)


love love love the new art. Old art was weird looking, new art is bad@$$.
Posted By: Great_North (11/5/2010 3:17:01 PM)


I love this card. If it could target a player as an option, it'd be a pretty sick card.
Posted By: masonthekiller (11/13/2010 7:14:32 AM)


Its basically a better or worse version of corrupt, depending on how you use it
Posted By: use643 (8/3/2011 9:47:05 AM)


Or player. ... Or player. ... It says "or player" in here somewhere, right? ... I'm not just missing it? ... awwwwww.
Posted By: Salient (12/16/2011 1:50:29 AM)


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