Lord of the Pit was a total junk... Malfegor is tougher than this...
Posted By:
(6/27/2009 10:34:45 PM)
Strictly worse than Xathrid Demon?
Posted By:
(3/24/2013 1:51:42 AM)
I really dislike the idea of Lord of the Pits. I can't really see a good way to use him, he's a flying trampler whoop-de-do. Why exactly was he a mythc?
Posted By:
(5/17/2009 7:25:06 PM)
LOL and this is Demonic's finisher? Most of the time you will be damaging yourself with this guy just to not be able to destroy their Akroma.
Posted By:
(1/16/2010 4:06:34 PM)
great if you donate it, otherwise, i wouldnt play it.
Posted By:
(11/18/2010 7:36:28 PM)
Burnin Down Tha House!
Posted By:
(4/30/2011 11:42:07 PM)
This might seem a bit old but I think this one deserves it...
IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted By:
(10/29/2012 8:22:09 AM)
Art is bad @$$
Posted By:
(7/23/2010 9:57:17 PM)
Art is awesome, but that doesn't make the card any better. If you have a deck where you need to sacrifice creatures, he's a win for you, other than that I don't think he is worth it. I think Demon of Death's Gate is a much better choice. Yes 2 more mana, but you get that in power and touphness and no drawback. You even have a alternate way of getting him out by sacing 3 creatures.
Posted By:
(2/17/2011 12:27:02 AM)
Loving the new art and flavor text.
Posted By:
(4/9/2011 7:54:54 AM)