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The classic combo with this guy was always a timely Spirit Link, so you could essentially tell him to STFU and GBTW every upkeep, not to mention gaining 7 life whenever he attacks or blocks. Now that we have Vampiric Link, you don't even have to get out of mono-black to make that happen, though he has to be the only guy on the board due to the sacrifice being mandatory. Still, not a bad deal.

Also, I'm sure I'm not the only one to have noticed this, but Lord of the Pit synchronizes very well with Breeding Pit. I wonder if that means he's just the lord of any pit full of tasty munchable creatures....
Posted By: yyukichigai (7/21/2011 8:36:52 PM)


It's got to be the best art ever
Posted By: Lueseto (8/11/2011 10:40:02 PM)


Lich Lord of Unx is this guy's best friend.
Posted By: htgtmd (10/24/2011 1:47:16 PM)



No, you can only sacrifice your own creatures. If you have no other creatures you are forced to take 7 damage. But if you have other creatures, you are forced to sac one. You can't choose to take 7 damage instead.
Posted By: adrian.malacoda (5/2/2012 11:09:32 PM)


Insane art! Chippy really done an awesome job in this dual-deck's. Akroma, Angel of Wrath and Lord of the Pit are cards that have top tier arts, and I don't see any way to improve them. Seriously, Chippy did an amaizing job here.
Posted By: Red-White (11/18/2012 2:41:35 AM)


Bad-ass artwork worthy of this bad-ass card!
4/5 Stars
Posted By: Hunter06 (2/9/2013 10:52:29 AM)


@Lifegainwithbite: Not quite. Lord of the Pit can still attack if you don't pay his upkeep cost. Also, it's easier to prevent damage than life loss.
Posted By: ViashinoWizard (5/24/2013 7:19:51 PM)


I really like this new art for Lord of the Pit. The flavor text is quite nice too.
Posted By: Phelplan (8/16/2013 11:20:17 AM)


The artwork is AMAZING!!
Posted By: logicerror99 (10/14/2013 9:59:20 AM)


He still has his uses today. You can bypass his weakness by either feeding him little things and triggering combos, or giving him lifelink or Vampiric Link so that the damage he deals to you is nullified or even heals you in some cases. Unlike the new demons (Xathrid Demon) which don't play kindly with their "lose life" drawbacks. He also doesn't tap which means despite all odds, even if you have nothing to tame him with, he will still kindly beat your opponent to death after punching you in the face.

And with this artwork and flavour how can there ever be strictly better version of him?
Posted By: SerGarlan (11/8/2013 6:46:40 AM)


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