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I love that even though he isn't legendary and there are presumably other demons like him, this guy's art has been redone twice but he always looks the same.
Now that's an iconic creature, folks.
Posted By:
(12/11/2013 4:43:10 PM)
I feel obligated to remind you new generation players for what reasons the Pit Lord deserves the mythic rank as our old timers appreciated him as it is.
Consider that he is a 7/7 makes him quite the heavy hitter, like most Green Heavy Creatures, he is an more than adequate offender AND defender.
The Trample allows him to override chomp block tactics been initiated against him, and not all non-black heavy hitters may have this, if they do, they are mostly in low toughness which leaves them vulnerable to red instants or snipe shots.
The flying brings his threat to a whole new level since your opponents are forced to take drastic measures: as White you have to prepare flyers to hold him off; Blue can do the same or simply return/counter but in the late 7th turn, better pray they've saved enough counter-spells; Red is dog meat if he/she cant win the game before he comes out in the 7th turn; and Green has to get heavier hitters to turn you over into defensive measure before or after.
L... (see all)
Posted By:
(2/7/2014 5:06:35 AM)
There's one thing different about Lord of the Pit than his newer variations that people often miss. Lord of the Pit doesn't tap if you don't meet his requirements meaning you can still hit your opponent for 7 while taking the 7 damage.
Posted By:
(2/10/2014 9:09:53 PM)
Best art in Magic.
Posted By:
(2/13/2014 4:23:13 PM)
I wish more creatures talked to the walker like that
Posted By:
(3/25/2014 7:42:17 PM)
Love him, Or hate him. You have to admit, This big badass fatty is the big ol' granddaddy of the other big demons.
Posted By:
(5/23/2014 2:12:04 AM)