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I like this artwork better than the mirrodin version, although i do think that this angel needs more metal parts, so as not to forsake her origin.
Posted By: jsttu (7/3/2012 10:58:42 PM)


3WhiteWhite is a fair deal for a 4/4 flyer, and 1White for a token generator. Unfortunately when you combine bitterblossom and serra angel, it feels overpriced.

6/6 flying body would be worth it though. You dont really need the tokens by the time you get her out, and they come out way to slow.
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (11/10/2012 2:21:19 AM)


Reminds me of Verdant Force. Except, of course, that Verdant Force gets a sap every upkeep. If you aren't playing multiplayer, the flying can be more useful than extra easy-to-block saps.
Posted By: Ideatog (12/10/2012 9:53:40 PM)


Awful. For seven mana, you could do so much more..
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (2/14/2013 9:33:18 AM)


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