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Community Rating: 4.106 / 5  (165 votes)
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Pretty nice with Dwarven Armory. A 3/3 flyer that gives itself a permanent +2/+2 every time it hits your opponent? Sign me up!
Also could be pretty frustrating with Tangle Wire.
Posted By: Kirbster (10/18/2013 1:20:42 PM)


Its a fun card, and has powerful synergy with Ajani Goldmane.

-1 becomes a 2/2 flying vigilance
Attacks deals 2 damage and becomes a 3/3 flying vigilance, as well as replenishing a counter on Ajani.

Very nice synergy
Posted By: TheWrathofShane (10/29/2013 4:19:22 PM)


Proliferate is an interesting mechanic, I can't wait to try it out.
Posted By: Chrome_Coyote (9/24/2010 3:34:20 PM)


The little bird who could...

One of the most underrated cards of the set.
Posted By: DonRoyale (9/24/2010 12:20:22 AM)


T1: voltaic key
T2: thrumming bird.
T3: everflowing chalice with 1 kicker, tap it for another everflowing 1 kicker, attack and proliferate. Both chalices now tap for 2, Tap your untapped chalice and reuse it with voltaic key for your choice of tumble magnet, necrogen censor, grindclock, or chimeric mass.
T4: tap your 4 lands and one of the chalices for Contagion Engine. Swing with thrummingbird, proliferate, chalices now tap for 3, your opponents creatures have -2/2. Tap chalice for 3, untap with key and tap again to net 5, then double proliferate with the engine. Opponents creatures get -4/4 total now, your stuff just got 3 counters, moving the chalices into tapping for 5.
T5: you've got at least 13 mana open, more if you use key to make mana instead of re-use one of your artifacts. Lux cannon, prototype portal, a really huge chimeric mass... hell, I guess you could even play a blightsteel collossus with that kind of mana.

My proliferate deck gets those first three turns right about ... (see all)
Posted By: ingressus (2/3/2011 6:27:00 AM)


At last. I finally have a way to get The Mind Sculptor and his girlfriend Liliana to climax together. That would be total win.
Posted By: NecroticNobody (10/17/2010 7:05:19 PM)


Just stick a Grafted Exoskeleton on it, Assault Strobe on it, some random cheap +1/ and swing for the win.
Posted By: Falgorn (9/29/2010 11:52:15 AM)


Bird Horror? Love it.
Posted By: Richard_Hawk (9/26/2010 2:24:20 PM)


Counters? Counter!? COUNTERs?!?!?!?! COOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUNTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRS!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!!
Posted By: crimson149 (9/27/2010 1:34:00 AM)


The Horror.... The Horror - Marlon Brando (Because It's A Bird Horror : p)
Posted By: MasterOfEtherium (1/21/2011 4:59:33 PM)


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