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Community Rating: 4.588 / 5  (277 votes)
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You really have to play this card and play it with the cards it had available to it to understand its monstrosity. Counterbalance and Dark Confidant did ugly terrible things with this. And this would be yucky in extended now with the new fetches to shuffle away what you don't want.

As for everyone else who's whining about it's mythic status, this card is mythic in its existence, not as what it would be reprinted as. It will never be reprinted and if it was, mythic rarity would be the only thing keeping it from being the card that you absolutely play so that you don't lose.
Posted By: Silk_Blitz (5/24/2010 9:46:40 AM)


@Tolarian Academic clearly doesn't see you can CHOOSE which of the three top cards you buy with it's first ability, while choosing also what's it you're buying next without using it's second ability. And it can be tapped anytime to evade artifact removal and giving you an extra card for your pains, while your opponent loses one. Also it started it's life back when there was a whole set made for artifacts like it, and saw play before Mirrodin bit the dust. Everyone who played Kamigawa dropped this right away and always left an untapped land to use it at the end of opponent's turn.
Posted By: Luke_BPC (7/15/2010 9:24:25 PM)


I love how you can't kill it since it's last ability protects it from removal.

"Smash to smithereens it!"
"Ha, I don't even take three damage!"
Posted By: channelblaze (8/8/2010 8:22:09 PM)


rating it 3 stars because i'm a jerk.
just kidding, i'm rating it 3 stars because Wizards should never have made this.
Posted By: WannabeJedi1337 (11/10/2011 9:58:28 AM)


I read it as Sensei's Diving Top.
Posted By: azure_drake222222 (2/3/2013 10:22:05 AM)


This card is bad, so bad... So bad for the other player, hahahahaha!!

Got a playset and I'm keeping it for good! Good thing i bought 4 while they were cheap. 5/5
Posted By: getz19 (5/13/2010 10:39:10 AM)


makochman this card is great! and as any other "draw" card that stay permanently on the table, it's just too cheap not to use its ability each turn! Of course ur opponent used it 30 times!
Posted By: nekosan (12/7/2009 3:26:45 AM)


Posted By: LeoKula (5/19/2010 9:35:30 AM)


This is...just godly with Miracle.
Posted By: CJM2 (5/18/2012 8:22:00 PM)


This card is so good it makes me want to play Beyblades again.
Posted By: CatsAreCthala (1/31/2010 8:09:50 PM)


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