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I hardly ever see anyone running this card in EDH, and I think it has to be because of misunderstanding. It's the only card in the game where you can make each player discard their hand and draw only 3 cards. Have you seen the size of some peoples' hands in EDH? It's not uncommon to see a table full of 7 card hands well into turn 7 and 8. If you're the one guy who always plays down to 3 or less by that time, this basically makes each opponent discard ~4 cards each, and should probably be played in a lot of decks just on that basis alone. Forget the other abilities. So no, this isn't necessarily as build-around-me as it looks. You don't have to run into the arms of Squee, Goblin Nabob just because you put this in.
Posted By: Justice1337 (9/24/2012 10:02:29 PM)


Hands down the best looking card in all of Magic. I want a tattoo of this artwork on my arm.

As a planeswalker she is superb.
Posted By: Blackshayde (10/12/2012 8:52:56 AM)


I have a rules question about Chandra Ablaze, if I use her 3rd ability to recast an X spell like blaze, can I pay extra mana into X?
I looked at the card rulings and it stated that you can pay extra costs like kicker but does this apply to X in a mana cost?
Posted By: dgb (10/14/2012 7:18:17 AM)


Posted By: TheWrathofShane (10/20/2012 7:08:11 AM)


Her first ability, even though the steep cost, can put cards like urza's rage and worldfire into the graveyard for her ultimate.
Posted By: Argionelite (11/21/2012 7:29:01 AM)


I guess what you're supposed to do nowadays is Staggershock + Worldfire.

For variety's sake, you could try Conflux.
Posted By: Salient (1/27/2013 12:04:11 PM)


I am a bit of a noob, an also a casual player, though i have an interesting question. Could it be good to run 4 tibalts 4 Koths and 4 Chandra ablazes in mono-red so that you can have 3 planeswalkers out at the same time, fill your graveyard , while doing damage, and then using chandras ultimate you can end up with 3 lightning bolts and 3 incinerates. As there are a lot of threats on your side your opponent might find it difficult to chose what walker to kill, and as you run 4 you can cast another once it is dead.
Posted By: ElgenEinar (3/21/2013 4:40:44 AM)


306.4. If two or more planeswalkers that share a planeswalker type are on the battlefield, all are put into their owners’ graveyards as a state-based action. This is called the “planeswalker uniqueness rule.”
704.5j If two or more planeswalkers that share a planeswalker type are on the battlefield, all are put into their owners’ graveyards. This is called the “planeswalker uniqueness rule.”
You can have 4 of them in your deck, hand, graveyard, etc. Only one at a time on the battlefield, of each type. "Planeswalker -- type"

Using this for Blaze/Fireball will make X=0.
Posted By: applecorn (3/23/2013 12:51:52 AM)


She may be hot.... But shes no Red Hot Hottie
Posted By: Rancid_Raptor (3/26/2013 5:29:53 PM)


underrated. makes shocks free (though sorcery-speed) for double the effect. screws up opponent tempo. -7 is a game-winner. every burn deck needs two of this baby.
Posted By: FourEx (4/2/2013 1:18:34 PM)


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