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I love her synergy with Pyromancer Ascension. Use her +1 to fill your graveyard with spells to activate the Ascension, then let loose with her -7 once it's active. Assuming you have four Shocks (conservative given the ridiculous level of burn spells these days), discard two of them to Chandra then use the remaining two to power the Ascension. Fire the ultimate and Chandra has done 28 damage to your opponent over the course of three turns. An idealistic scenario, to be sure, but even a watered down version of it will leave your opponent pretty well battered.
Posted By: MrPink343 (12/14/2009 9:40:07 PM)


is it just me or are planeswalkers getting nerrower and nerrower with the decks they can go in. You can no longer just throw them in any deck running it's colors, which is fine aslong as WotC don't do it to much.
Posted By: wolfbear2 (12/16/2009 9:27:52 AM)


Its simpliest and less powerful ability will absolutely overpower Rakdos deck... and then use its final ability to absolute destruction of opponent :)
Posted By: Neutralion (12/17/2009 10:18:53 AM)


She's definitely better than the first Chandra, her first ability is amazing, a mini-Winds of Change is great for a burn deck and her Ultimate is essentially an auto-win. The only problem is than 6 mana is very costly for a burn deck, which should have your opponent dead by turn six or better.
Posted By: UNBAN_SHAHRAZAD (12/18/2009 10:36:01 PM)


a pretty good planeswalker, but she sorta gives me the feeling that there's a bit of black in her as well...what with all the discard abilities. still quite powerful though :)
Posted By: kittyspit (12/29/2009 6:41:01 AM)


amazing with madness cards, especially with fiery temper, violent eruption, or reckless wurm- as they all make her do damage without the downside of losing the card to your graveyard without using it
Posted By: Reinin (2/15/2010 1:24:29 PM)


The thing I like about this Chandra is that each of her abilities can make her a focal point of any deck that can use it.

Her first ability can work really well in a deck based on Unearth or Madness. Drop your Unearther (Hellspark Elemental comes to mind) and fill up your graveyard for the big unearth strike.

Her second ability's my personal favorite; it makes the idea of combining Megrim, Underworld Dreams, Howling Mine and Font of Mythos into a deck abusing that second ability. Just try not to do this when your opponent is playing a red deck because of Lightning Bolt.

Her third ability is hilarious with Cruel Ultimatum mostly, but Titanic Ultimatum and even Violent Ultimatum. Add in Pyromancer Ascension and Replicate/Kicker for more hilarity. What's that? (10 more life for m... (see all)
Posted By: DonRoyale (2/17/2010 10:59:46 PM)


Red burns best friend : )
Posted By: NeoSin (3/14/2010 11:52:36 PM)


i like this card, pulled 2 of them :) , discard your shock or punishing fire for an extra 2 damage, the only thing that makes me not love it, is the fact that it costs to much i gave it a 4.5/5 just for the cost
Posted By: xd4 (3/15/2010 5:15:42 PM)


@dougcotts: You could technically discard a card from a hand containing 0 cards, since "discard a card" is part of the effect, not the activation cost. However, the only result would be that her loyalty goes up by 1.

My burn deck loves this card, if it doesn't win by the time she hits the field. I normally discard the last card in my hand on the turn I play her, to either take out a creature or drop my opponent's life, and then use her -2 effect next turn. End result: I have 6-7 untapped lands and 3 cards that will be either ball lightning, fireball, lightning bolt or Goblin Guide (or something similar), with an opponent who is usually at 5-10 life. Works perfectly.
That said, she's sideboarded right now, since most of my games don't last long enough for me to have 6 mana available. If she costed less, she'd be great, but Constructed doesn't have much for mana accel in mono red.
Posted By: statiefreez (4/3/2010 3:15:15 PM)


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