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This screams "get 4 of me! so you can just discard me when you already have 1 of me out!"

...which is actually pretty sweet.
Posted By: mflanaga (4/6/2010 9:46:37 PM)


The first ability is mad because you can basically make a silly, inexpensive goblin deal 4 damage, or "upgrade" a lightning bolt or shock to do 4 damage, per se :P
Posted By: Ezenthar (4/9/2010 2:26:02 PM)


This and her previous incarnation (but particularly this) aren't as good for burn as some people are making them out to be. People, if mono-red burn doesn't win on turn 5, it's game, so hardcasting this girl is out of the question. So that leaves adding Rituals and Songs to the deck... but why are you watering down your card advantage by running mana accel instead of more cheap burn spells?
Posted By: Azazyel (5/12/2010 12:52:02 PM)


I don't know if anyone's noticed, but her first and ultimate ability go very well together...
Posted By: Lunarblade (5/23/2010 4:32:36 PM)


I don't know why everyone is saying Nalaar is better... i got Ablaze first and then i decided to have both in my burn deck. I really like Nalaar's ultimate but i've only used it once, whereas when i team up Ablaze with Squee, Goblin Nabob its 4 damage no matter what each turn. I have two squees so odds are that i get one. i have a ton of volcanic hammers, shocks, a lava axe or two, and toss in an elemental appeal for an instant win as soon as i cast her ultimate. In a single turn, using Ablaze i've dealt 32 damage... while i love Nalaar, i don't think she can be considered better than Ablaze. Also @ whoever said they didn't like Sorin: what the hell? Sorin has one of the greatest ultimates ever. I've both used Sorin and had him used against me, and any time he comes out he wins.
Edit I just realized that not only does she combo well with squee but she also combos quite well with Pyromancer's Swath
Posted By: ChampionofSquee (6/2/2010 3:54:03 PM)


Pyromancer's Ascension?
Posted By: Ph1005 (6/15/2010 9:40:13 AM)


cast rite of flame, seething song, manamorphose, etc, discard whatever stays behind (like lands), draw three and go on storming hopefully drew a storm card...
you could discard other chandra's to get her to 7, then, cast all those storm spells together for the perfect storm.
Posted By: Tezz (6/20/2010 4:16:51 AM)


This card is much much better in a burn deck than Chandra Nalaar.

It's first ability lets you deal 4 damage. Sure, you have to discard a card, but it's frickin 4 DAMAGE!!! Discard your Lightning Bolt, Burst Lightning, or your Shock or maybe even your Thunderbolt and you will be saving mana, giving a loyalty counter, and dealing more damage than the card is supposed to do.

The second ability should definitely NOT be underestimated. If you are a true burner, your hand should be empty by turn 3, so this ability not only takes away the opponents' hand, but also give you more burn spells, add more card to the graveyard for ability number 3, or even more cards to waste for numero 1.

Her "nuke" ability is great. Ablaze's first and second abilities have great synergy with this one. As long as your opponent doesn't lay down a Leyline of the Void, a Baj... (see all)
Posted By: 001010011100101110 (7/29/2010 9:47:05 AM)


She goes great with Pyromancer's Ascension, since you can discard a card that you're holding another copy of. Discard one Staggershock to deal 4 damage, then cast your other one, and when it rebounds you'll be good to go. Problem is getting to 6 mana quickly enough for this to matter. Mono red is not good with acceleration, and she's a bit too red-intensive for multicolor, but perhaps splashing a bit of green could work.
Posted By: achilleselbow (8/1/2010 3:36:24 PM)


@ BambooNickel
i lawl at ur pun
Posted By: BlackAlbino (8/5/2010 4:57:15 PM)


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