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pretty good effects but i like Chandra Nalaar better. but the picture for this card is so awsome.
Posted By: iNathan (8/10/2010 9:49:33 AM)


fiery temper for 7 damage
Posted By: dragon504 (8/28/2010 10:02:44 AM)


the ultimate of this Chandra is DEVASTATING. I can't wait to get one.
Posted By: jakeface94 (9/30/2010 8:16:42 AM)


Good card all around. Her +1 turns every card into an uber Lightning Bolt, which is great for slower games, or for using Goblin Guides to kill Wall of Omens/Overgrown Battlements. Her -2 has a lot of potential, essentially forcing the opponent to empty their hand or play around it, and refreshing your hand. And her ultimate, like so many of the new planeswalkers, basically says "-7: You win."
Posted By: ZuesAscendant (11/18/2010 10:51:52 PM)


In a casual game she can murder, especially in my Grixis burn deck. I use graveyard cycling to burn as the primary mechanic and copy sorceries with various effects as well.

This with Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind and Liliana's Caress and Chandra's second effect. It's at least 3 damage not accounting for the cards discarded. It's a beefed up Blightning basically.

Discard Kris Mage for the first effect and bring it back to your hand with Undertaker or some other card capable of looping. Instant 4 damage each turn, plus a +1 loyalty counter on Chandra. The first effect is arguably the best.

This card has my vote as one of the best planeswalkers. If you run Izzet or Grixis she is useful beyond belief. Planeswalkers have unique traits just like other cards. Just because she can't be put into any burn or red deck doesn't mean she sucks, she's Godly in mine. I like the Tezzeret argument. I like him ... (see all)
Posted By: KingRusty (12/8/2010 7:59:55 AM)


Yeah an emmy can really shut down a mill deck, but this does it with so much more class.
Posted By: desolation_masticore (12/28/2010 5:27:54 AM)


I was looking for an efficient way to use Dragonstorm. When I read her (-7) ability I was like "Holy ****." I have to figure out a way to pull this off.
Posted By: SwordOfKaldra (2/6/2011 1:05:58 AM)


I love chandra ablaze with lava axe and bolt lightning in 1v1. discard axe and cast lightning or vise versa if low with mana then cast all from grave always an overkill.
Posted By: dienoob (2/22/2011 3:01:59 PM)


I'm going to make a superfriends deck using this planewalker and others.
Posted By: lyle685 (3/6/2011 5:13:56 PM)


Friend of mine had a "Timmy overload" moment setting off her ultimate with two Blightning and a Cruel Ultimatum and a few other things in his GY. Yeah, it was "win more," but that didn't make it any less fun for him.
Posted By: Paleopaladin (10/16/2011 12:07:25 AM)


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