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A little too powerful. Can potentially win the game by itself. And it's an enchantment, so it fits in with it's other angel token buddies.
Posted By: CatsAreCthala (12/6/2009 6:31:29 PM)


I've heard all sorts of interesting words by getting the four counters on this thing. It does take a little while, but things get more than slightly insane when you have this thing primed and loaded.
Posted By: SocialExperiment (12/17/2009 7:07:02 PM)


Don't get me wrong It is a good card an powerful, but these quests enchantments are easy to deal with. a simple naturalize will stop it or an Oblivion ring can remove and reset it. I use mine in multi and 1 on 1 but I have rarely been able to utilize it effectively because everyone sees me as such a big target.
Posted By: PEVE_O (1/21/2010 3:17:35 PM)


Luminarch Ascension is an even better card in multi-player (provided you have the damage prevention and defense to back it up)--In a five or more player game, it is entirely possible to get four counters on it before your next turn, and thus be able to start making 4/4 Angel tokens on turn three. Granted, if you aren't able to defend yourself you'll make yourself a target, but in the right deck, it's rather worth the risk.
Posted By: RuthieA (1/31/2010 12:10:00 PM)


Agreed. Difficult to stay unharmed for so long ? Hell, just use frickin prevention, mother of runes, holidays and all that stuff in wich white color excels. Not all decks are able to get rid of enchantments, not all are fast enough to get throug h all defense you set up, not all have direct damage spells...
Ok, so lots of decks do have at least one of those things, but still, Grimn777 is totally right - making your opponent move against his will and throw everything at you is excelent thing on its own. It takes away the luxury of choice from him.
Not to mention what happens when you actually manage to pump it up, but others said all that already (it's not hard to figure it out, anyway). Then it becomes overpowered, by my opinion. The ability should cost 3W or so, by my opinion.
Posted By: skew (2/3/2010 11:02:06 PM)


Angel token creation is an activated ability in this enchantment , so it can be blocked by Pithing Needle.
Posted By: spyros77 (3/26/2010 4:47:29 PM)


Aside from the text- the art is cool :p
Posted By: RafiqTheMiststalker (5/8/2010 6:14:08 AM)


Pyromancer, Bloodchief, then this. The three of these have a particular thing in common: competitively costed.

There are stupid ideas I have for crappy enchantments that I would like to build a deck or two around. In these decks, the strategy doesn't begin until turn three or four. Why? Because those enchantments (or whatever permanent) do not cost less than four mana:
"Oh, watch out, he's playing his Earth Surge deck"
"What's he going to do?" _"He's going tap out his third or fourth turn to play this enchantment called Earth Surge blah blah...."
"Well, if it costs 4 mana, I'll just make sure to keep Cancel mana open" (how insulting)

Having lived through the age of Bitterblossom (apologies for bad memories) we all know that Wizards has no problem making a hot card. The think that annoys me is that they only make a very few hot cards in an age- limiting people's English vocabulary to no more than 10 w... (see all)
Posted By: Enchantment_Removal (5/20/2010 2:54:08 PM)


Its too good , i'm from an age when serra angel was a bit good . this is just silly.............very silly. although i have won against people who put this down on turn two.

P.s in multiplayer you may as well pick up your cards when you see this cos it just takes one definisive or weak player and your all sc-re-wed
Posted By: Mindbend (5/21/2010 3:29:39 PM)


Damage causes life loss? I didn't know that
Posted By: RedRapist (8/14/2010 11:22:03 AM)


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