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Combos with your opponent.
Posted By: SarcasmElemental (9/22/2012 1:11:22 AM)


@Dcole - I love how you labelled your deck as fun and casual, yet mentioned that you include a playset of Mana Drain (vintage only) and Force of Will (the most uncasual non-vintage counter there is). They are not casual/fun cards. You can build a perfectly viable mono-blue control deck that doesn't include uncasual cards.
Posted By: JaxsonBateman (11/25/2012 5:21:36 AM)


I don't know why people think this card might be better than force of will. It damn well is better than force of will. And its a lot more epic, too. This card is hands down the best counterspell ever.
Posted By: Ancestral_Forget (12/28/2012 4:59:02 PM)


The ultimate counter?
Posted By: Winhert (4/13/2013 6:45:43 AM)


To me this is the best counter spell around and I still to this day run a play set of these along with a play set of force of wills in my insane, fun, casual mono blue control. 5/5 all day.

@JaxsonBateman what I meant was fun to play not fun to play against. I totally agree that there are plenty of alternatives out there for mono blue decks although perhaps not so much in standard today. Believe me this isn't the only mono blue deck I play I just like to go back to the nostalgic days every now and than.
Posted By: dcole (4/26/2013 9:43:22 AM)


If you cast it on a spell that uses up all your opponent's mana (which is what generally happens in the early game against competent opponents), you're basically denying them a card and all of that turn's mana, and getting an extra turn's mana for yourself.

In other words, it's basically Time Walk, but it costs your opponent a card instead of giving one to you (and you get to choose what card, which is generally more powerful than a draw!) Yes, that's right, in the right situation this card is more powerful than Time Walk.

The only reason it's (marginally) less powerful than Time Walk overall is because it's slightly situational, while Time Walk works at absolutely any time; but given that the 'situation' is essentially "the enemy casts a big spell and you have a big spell you want to cast", that's not exactly much of a drawback.

(Alright, and Time Walk also gives you an extra attack and land drop. But still.)
Posted By: Aquillion (4/30/2013 3:52:58 PM)


One of the things that I've never understood, though... If you look online for any top-rated Vintage control decks, they all have 4 Force of Will, and no Mana Drain. Personally, I think the card is amazing and I would use these in a blue Vintage deck if I could afford them.

But the argument must be made... if the card is so good, why is it that nobody is using it in decks that are winning Vintage tournaments?
Posted By: Technetium (5/3/2013 7:41:37 AM)


@wrathofshane Don't forget the fact it's around $200. And no, not a playset.
Posted By: Blackhawk9000 (7/3/2013 6:41:14 PM)


Strictly better than any counter ever made.
Posted By: Jitteryowl (8/2/2013 5:54:59 PM)


Force of Will is without doubt the best counterspell ever printed. This may be more broken than Force of Will but it's certainly not better. 0 mana is a lot less than 2 in Legacy and Vintage. This is very very powerful, often more powerful than Force but Force's versatility and interaction with other cards is what pushes it over the edge.
Posted By: Lifegainwithbite (11/15/2013 7:25:33 AM)


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