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@ A3Kitsune

O_O. They tried what I would have suggested and players were confused about it? Well, I guess this has something to do with the "when he attacks". They could have used counters to mark the selected creatures or added an "target tapped permanent doesn't untap" restriction.

By the way. I don't like blue creatures with shroud. Of course, it supports the blue gameplay of countering everything until you have the mana for a Sphinx. But to make blue a real color beside counterspells, they shouldn't give blue shroud. Transfering shroud into "unless he/she pays 2" doesn't make it better. I believe that green should have creatures with shroud and blue should get more cards like Cranial Extraction to prevent destruction on the first hand. You win more battles if you are prepared than being protected.
Posted By: Cheza (8/8/2010 10:07:13 AM)


his ability's seem a lot weaker then the other titans having to pay a extra 2 to target him sounds pretty useless you need 6 mana to play him and kill card are usually 2-3 mana so they will easily have enough mana to play one on him other spells and abiltys that taget your appoint usually coast even less mana. The tapping ability seems kind of week as well lorthose can tap 8 times that many permanents I really dont see why this guy sells for 6$s.
Posted By: dragonking987 (8/12/2010 8:25:42 AM)


Posted By: Gomorrah (10/30/2010 7:42:29 AM)


@A3Kitsune: OH NO! We wouldn't want the Titans to be TOO strong, would we?

That's just be terrible. Glad they went with the nice, sensible, not broken version. Makes the game so much more fun.
Posted By: DoragonShinzui (10/19/2012 1:59:18 PM)


He doesn't need shroud. His evasion ability is well suited and MUCH more flavourful. Plus you could always 'freeze' your opponent's land when you attack with him.
Shroud (or 'troll shroud') tends to suggest an ability to hide. This guy cannot hide at all, but instead he is resistant to magic :)
I love it.
The card doesn't need flavour text because the art and the rules text say it all.

EDIT: Instead of giving him shroud, perhaps the 'magic resistance' effect should have been raised to 3?
Posted By: Stray_Dog (7/17/2010 9:03:01 AM)


The ability is fun... no room for it in constructed but it's not a bad card and it was great at the pre-release.
Posted By: TK-1138 (7/17/2010 2:29:13 PM)


Like so many cards in blue lately he's so... almost good.
Posted By: FierySeraph (7/30/2010 10:57:00 AM)


hmm... suppose my opponent cast something to kill this titian (let's say doomblade), in response, i play mana leak, so in total my opponent have to 5 extra mana to let the doom blade resolve?

another scenario is my opponent cast doomblade, he pays 2 extra to play get the card to play, can i play some counter (deprive or mana leak) to counter his spell?
Posted By: Ching (8/1/2010 11:45:52 AM)


I just like that fact he could be a BOMB in most blue decks. And if you're a TRUE blue player at heart, I would consider Mana Leak to be it's good partner since, if they want to, have to pay 7 mana for their removal alone, right? Unsummon? 3 for the Titan's ability, then 3 more from the "Leak." Doomblade, Condemn/ Path to Exile/ Swords to Plowshares, Fireball, something in green? Good Luck!! Also, if they target it using the swords (Sword of Fire and Ice or Sword of Light and Shadow), Use any of your OWN bounce spells to protect it. And let's not forget, it's BLUE, it TAPS things (and keeps them tapped for another turn), and it s a 6/6 for BLUE for 6 CMC!!
Posted By: Jokergius (8/2/2010 12:14:03 AM)


When I first saw this card I thought it was decent, then after thinking about it decided that it was unplayable.

Then I played with one. Giving blue the ability to lock down permanents every turn and win every titan war is great, even more deadly with counter support.
Posted By: EnsoZero (8/2/2010 9:06:04 AM)


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